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The letter A in Visayan is pronounced as in Spanish, except when it has a cut short, abrupt sound, which can be learned only by hearing, e. g. bátà-child.



Ah, Oh, Well, Why. A, amó gid inâ. Ah, that is it, certainly. A, ikáw galî ang nagabút. Oh, it is you, that have come. A, bayái (pabayái) lang ang mga bátà dirâ. Well, leave the children there alone. A, pagkaláut sang ákon kapaláran! Oh, how unfortunate I am! A, indì ka magsapák sinâ. Why, don't take any notice of it. (see ah).



A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:

1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).

2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).

3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).