A kind of tree with edible fruit; its wood is not of much use, except as firewood, and for making rice-mortars.
The dialect of the mountains, etc. See hinaráya id.
(B) To finish a meal, end a repast; dessert, fruits or sweetmeats served after a meal. Anó ang buút mo ihinungá? Ságing o kalámayhátì? What would you like for dessert? Bananas or "kalamayhátì? (see tungá, úndang, hingúndang).
(B) Companion, comrade, associate, intimate friend, chum, confidant. (dágil; see kahámbal).
Straits, difficulties, want, misery. (hi-ól; see kahil-ánan).
Restless, fidgety, unsteady. (see matínong-steady).
To see, behold, discern, perceive, descry, sight, make out, discover, distinguish, spy, espy, set one's eyes upon; to meet, find. Nakakítà ka na sa íya? Did you see or meet him? Hóo, nakakitaáy na kamí. Yes, we met or saw each other. Ang alipokpokán sang búkid índì makítà kay natabúnan sang gál-um. The top of the mountain cannot be seen, because it is covered by the cloud. Nakítà-or-nakít-an ko siá dídto. I saw him there. Dílì na siá makakítà sa pagbása. He can no longer see to read. Ang íya nga balatían daw sa índì na makitáan sing bulúng. It will be almost impossible to find a remedy for his disease-or-his sickness is, I think, past cure. Diín mo inâ makíta?-Kinítà ko inâ sa dálan. Where did you see or find it?-I found it there on the road. Ang nagapangítà makakítà. He who seeks shall find. Sa yanáng bakólod kitáon mo túbtub ang simbáhan sa Ogtón. From that hill yonder you can even see the church of Oton. (see tán-aw, túluk-to see, inspect, look at).
Dim. and Freq. of liád. Nagaliádlíad siá kon maglakát. When he walks he throws his head proudly back.
(B) Quality of one's voice (in singing). (see pangalímug).
Cloth-roller. See purogían.
Piquancy, raciness, tastiness; to be piquant, tasty, stimulating, giving zest (of fruit, etc.); to be brackish, nauseous, salty, unpalatable, sweetish (of water). Natayamán akó siníng páhò. I find this mango delicious (piquant, luscious). Walâ kamí paginúm sang túbì sinâ nga bobón, kay matayám. We never drink the water from that well, for it is brackish. (see námit, námì, dálig, yágsim, yám-is).
Men, dependents, etc. See tináwo.
See olóhan, olohán.
(B) To smile, etc. See yuhúmyúhum. Ginayumôyumóan na akó. Nagayumôyúmò (tána) kanákon. (Nagayuhúmyúhum siá sa ákon). He is smiling at me quite pleasantly.
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