Fast, firm, taut, tight, tense, stretched, not slack; to tighten, make taut, etc. Húgta ang kalát. Tighten the rope. Húgti akó sináng kalát. Make that rope taut for me. Sa hugút níya nga paghigót nabúgras ang písi. On account of his tying so tight the string snapped. Sa hugút nga pagtúo.--. With firm, unshaken faith--.
To gather, pick, pluck (peas, beans, etc.). Hugúta ang kadyós, kay nagapalanggusáng na. Pluck the cadios-peas, for they are beginning to burst (i.e. are ripe). Hugúti akó sing balátong. Gather some beans for me. Ihúgut mo akó ánay sang ákon mónggo. Kindly gather my monggo for me.
(B) Toughness, hardness, tightness, immovability; to move with difficulty, to be hard-, difficult-, to deal with. Nagáwot na ang tinápay nga dáan. The stale bread has become hard. Gináwot níla ang súngsung sa botílya. They made the cork fit very tight in the bottle. Sang tingádlaw mahapús ang pagbukás siníng ganháan, ápang karón, kay tingulán na, nagáwot. In the dry season it was easy to open this door, but now in the rainy season it is difficult. Naawótan akó sa paggábut siníng lánsang. It was a hard job for me to draw out this nail. Ginawótan akó sináng táo sa pagpaháylosa íya. I had great difficulty in bringing that man over to my point of view. Iníng kárne maáwot. This meat is tough. (see tíg-a, húnit, hugút, paganót).
Sincere, honest, hearty, real, genuine, guileless; to do wholeheartedly, frankly, honestly, etc. Hutúhut gid ang íya paghágad sa ákon. He invited me most heartily. Kon hutúhut gid ang ínyo paghigugmaánay magpakasál lang kamó. If your love is true then get married. Hutuhúta ang ímo pagtoón. Study with a right good will. Dílì hutúhut, kóndì pakuláhaw gid lang ang íya nga pagkádlaw. His smile was not natural but forced. Hutuhúti silá sing mga pangágda. Send them hearty invitations-or-Invite them with sincerity (not as a mere formality). (see túod, hugút, bunáyag, turúk, sa, tagiposóon, etc.).
Tightness, tautness, tension, tenseness, tensity, closeness, compression, lack of freedom to breathe or act; fervour, sincerity. (hugút).
To cover or wrap up well, compress and pack tightly, make compact; to be or make as airproof as possible. Piihón mo ang tabákò sing maáyo, agúd índì makasungáw. Wrap the tobacco up well, that it may not be spoilt through contact with the air. Pilpilí sing bató ang tabákò, agúd magpií (magpíi). Weigh the tobacco down with a stone, that it may pack closely (be compact). (see píot, hugút, pílpil).
Thanks, acknowledgment; thank you. Madámù nga salámat. Many thanks. Si Fuláno nagapadalá sa ímo sing hugút gid nga mga salámat. N.N. sends you his best thanks. Dîmaísip nga mga salámat. Very many thanks to you. Thanks very much. Salámat sa maáyo nga patíkang ni Fuláno--. Thanks to the good services (the timely interference) of N.N.--. (see pasalámat-to give thanks).
Leaking, escaping (of steam, vapour, odour); not air-tight, not closed well (of bottles, barrels, etc.); to escape, leak, to admit air, be not airtight, to become weak or spoilt by exposure to air. Sungáw (Nagsungáw) ang bulúng sa sulúd sináng botílya. The smell of the medicine in that bottle is filling the air. The medicine in that bottle is spoilt (not having been closed well). Sungsungí ang tolotádyaw sing hugút, nga índì magsungáw. Cork (Close) the vial tight-to keep out air,-lest air should get in. Nasungawán akó sang báhò sang bulúng. I noticed the smell of the medicine escaping from its receptacle.
To make taut, to tighten, straighten (a rope, etc.). Tanínga ang kalát. Tighten the rope. Pull the rope straight. Mahámpang kitá sang "habúl-*hábul sa táytay"; kon magsilíng gánì ang manugdumála "taníngon" laboyán, kon "laboyán" taníngon. Let us play the game of "weaving on the bridge"; when the leader says; "Tighten", let loose, when he says; "Let loose", tighten. (see úntay, hugút, tádlong, taníng).
To be feeble and indistinct (of speech). Nagahugút ang íya dílà kag nagapokól ang íya panghámbal. His tongue is tied and his speech scarcely intelligible (very indistinct). Sugúng na ang íya balatían kag pokól ang íya tíngug. He is now seriously ill and can scarcely talk. (see harawaháw, pagáw, paragáw).