Search result(s) - pagáw



Weak, feeble; to weaken, fail, be or become weak, particularly said of the voice. Nagpagáw na ang íya tíngug, kay mabáskog ang íya diskúrso. His voice weakened or failed (has become weak), for he delivered his discourse with great exertion. (see harawaháw, paragáw).



Thin, weak, faint, feeble, exhausted (of voice); to be or become feeble, etc. (see harawaháw, pagáw).



To be feeble and indistinct (of speech). Nagahugút ang íya dílà kag nagapokól ang íya panghámbal. His tongue is tied and his speech scarcely intelligible (very indistinct). Sugúng na ang íya balatían kag pokól ang íya tíngug. He is now seriously ill and can scarcely talk. (see harawaháw, pagáw, paragáw).



Caus. of gáwad-to get at a price, etc.



Dim. and Freq. of áwà. Indì mo pagawáawáon ang bátà, kay magahibî gid lang. Don't speak so very compassionately to the child, for it is certainly going to cry.



Occupation, business, engagement, work, anything that detains; to keep busy or engaged, to hinder from doing or attending to something else. May awát akó. I have some task to perform, some work in hand (and, consequently, I beg to be excused). Ginawát akó níya. He kept me occupied, hindered me from attending to something else. Dî mo akó pagawatón. Don't hinder or interrupt me. Iníng trabáho iawát ko sa ímo. I'll give you this work as an interruption to your present engagement. Awatí sing malíp-ot nga tión ang ímong buluhatón. Interrupt for a moment your present occupation. Allow your time to be encroached upon for a while. Awát man lang inâ. That was only an interruption, was of no avail, to no purpose, was a complete failure. Indì ka magkádto dídto, kay awát man lang ang ímo pagkádto. Don't go there, for your going there will be only a waste of time. (see kaawátan, mainawáton, libáng).



Anything that hangs down or dangles freely, as hair, tendrils, fringes, tassels, etc.; to hang down, dangle. Ang gáway sang kométa. The comet's tail. Nagagáway ang íya bohók sa ágtang. Her hair hangs down over her forehead. Isáblay mo iníng isá ka búgkos nga lánot sa kátre, ápang índì mo (paggawáyon) pagpagawáyon ang íya nga tángkap. Put this bundle of hemp on the bed, but do not allow the ends to hang down. Pagawáyi lang ang likód sang bátà sang íya bohók. Just let the girl's hair hang down her back. (see káway, kábit).



To stretch out one's arm in order to get hold of something, make a long arm, reach for, try to get hold of. Gawhará (-hadá) ang pínggan. Stretch out your arm and get hold of the plate. Igáwhad akó sináng báso. Reach me that glass. Gawharí akó sing isá ka gulút nga laúya nga árà sa bandehádo. Pass me a slice of boiled meat from the large dish. Gawharí akó sing isá ka báso nga bíno, kon makagáwhad ka sang botílya. Give me a glass of wine, if you can reach the bottle. Ipagáwhad sa íya ang laráwan sa díng-ding. Let him reach down the picture on the wall. Let him take down the picture from the wall. (see dáb-ot).



(H) To wound, injure seriously, cripple. Nalalúng siá sa pangawáyan. He was wounded in the war. Indì mo paglalungón ang karabáw sang ímo binángon. Don't injure the buffalo with your bolo. Ang pagawáyan amó ang ginalalungán sang madámù nga mga mangangawáy. On the field of battle many soldiers are wounded. Ang mga lalúng íla gindalá sa bulúlngan. They carried the wounded to the hospital (see pílas).



An open field, free space. Ang patág sang pagawáyan. The (open) field of battle.



To overthrow, overturn, fell to the ground, lay low, cut down; to fall down. Pukána ang káhoy. Fell the tree. Pukáni akó sing ápat ka halígi. Cut down four posts for me. Ginpúkan sang hángin ang páhò. The mango-tree was blown down by the wind. Nagkalapúkan silá sa patág sang pagawáyan. They fell on the field of battle. Kon mabáskug ang bágyo mapúkan (magakapúkan) iníng baláy. If there should blow a violent storm, this house will tumble down. (see pulúd, túmba).



To stop, make an end of, interfere with. Tablaón mo ang íla pagáway. Stop their fighting. (see tápnà, támbag).

tápang, tapáng


To happen, chance, come to pass, etc. See tabô. Natapángan ko gid ang íla pagáway. I just happened to be present at their fight. Nakatápang akó sang íla panyága. I chanced to come upon them when they were-having dinner,-at dinner.



To fall, be wounded or killed in war, die in battle, or the like. Ang mga nagkalatupók kag nagkalapatáy sa latagón sang pagawáyan. Those that fell and died on the field of battle. Naígò siá sang lisó kag natupók (nagkatupók). The bullet hit him and he fell to the ground. (see túmba).