Search result(s) - tápnà



Stop, end, termination; to stop, put a stop to, prevent, hinder, put an end to. Tapnaá ang íya pagpangúma sang ákon dútà. Stop him tilling my land. Put a stop to his tilling my land. (see pugúng, táblà, táblaw, sagáng).



(Sp. antidoto) Antidote, counter-agent, counter-irritant, counter-poison; preventive means applied to counteract vice, error and evil in general. (see bulúng, laláng, tápnà, pugúng, sagáng).



To curb, check, prevent, restrain, prohibit, stop. (see pugúng, sagáng, puút, tápnà).



Interruption, interval, interstice, break, respite, interim, meantime; distance from; to put in an interval, be distant from, etc. Lang-atán mo sing isá ka ádlaw kag ugáling magbálik ka. Knock off for one day and then return. Come back the day after to-morrow. May láng-at nga duhá ka táknà. There was (is) an interval or pause of two hours. Nagláng-at siá sing diótay nga tión kag pumadáyon siá sang íya paglakát. He stopped for a few moments and then continued his march. (see langán, puót, bál-ot, tápnà).



To repress, restrain, check, prevent, curb, hold-, keep-, back (in check), to hinder, impede, control, withhold. Púnggi ang kaákig mo. Curb your anger. Pinúnggan níya siá sa pagkáon sing kárne. He prevented him from eating meat. Daw sa dílì na mapúnggan ang dakû níya nga dumút. His great hatred can scarcely be repressed now. It looks as if his intense hatred has got beyond his control. Walâ níya mapúnggi sa gilayón ang nagadalágan nga áwto kag ang makalolóoy nga táo nadalasâ. He could not stop at once the racing automobile and the poor man was run over. (see puút, sagáng, tápnà).



From the seldom used puhól-to stop, hinder, check, forbid, prevent, curb, hold-, keep-, back (in check), withhold, stay (transitive). Ginpúlhan níya akó. He kept me back. Púlhi ang íya pagarádo. Stop his ploughing. Stop him from ploughing. Make him stop ploughing. (see pugúng, tápnà, dílì, dumílì).



To stop, hinder, put an end to, terminate, break up, put a stop to, wind up, interdict. Sabdongá ang belasyón, kay gáb-i na. Stop the wake, for it is late. (see uláng, puút, tápnà, palangán, táblaw).



(Sp. sobreseimiento) A stay of judgment or legal proceedings. (see walâ, sing, kadayonán, puút, tápnà).



To go near, approach, attack; to oppose, go against, prevent, stop, put a stop (an end) to. Malalangán ang pagsúblang sang balatían, ápang dílì sang kamatáyon. Diseases can be prevented, but death not (cannot be prevented). (see palapít, soróso, táblaw, tápnà, puút).



To stop, make an end of, interfere with. Tablaón mo ang íla pagáway. Stop their fighting. (see tápnà, támbag).



To suppress, stop, placate, calm, quiet. Walâ mo siá pagtablawá. You did not stop him. Gintáblaw níya ang íla pagsúay. He put a stop to their quarrelling. Daw sa índì matáblaw iníng gamó. This turmoil can hardly be quieted. It seems impossible to calm this turmoil. (see pugúng, táblà, tápnà).



To intervene, mediate, arbitrate, act as a peacemaker; to separate-, pacify-, quarrellers or fighters, to prevent or stop a fight, or the like. Tambagí silá, agúd nga índì magdáyon ang íla pagináway. Separate (calm, pacify) them, lest their fighting should continue. Waláy sapayán sang pagtámbag sa íya sang íya mga kasúbung dinámhag níya si Fuláno kag binanál (ibanál) sa kalóg. Notwithstanding the intervention of his companions he fell upon N.N. and threw him into the ditch. Daw sa dílì na matambagán inâ nga gamó. It is now well-nigh impossible to settle that riot (affair, tumult) by peaceful means. (see patáwhay, pugúng, sagáng, tápnà, puút, pasilabút, kapánkápan).



To stop, end, terminate, put an end (stop) to. (see puút, tápnà, táblà, táblaw, túblag, sábdong, talô).



One or that which stops, puts an end to, hinders, impedes, obstructs something. Tumalápnà-kaláyo. A fire-man, fire-extinguisher. (see tápnà).



To hinder, detain, keep back, hold up, impede, prevent, restrain. Ulangá siá sang sugilánon, agúd índì siá makalakát. Prevent him from going away by keeping-up a conversation with him,-him in conversation. Ginuláng kamí sang bahâ. We were held up by the flood. (see pugúng, sagáng, puút, tápnà, etc.).



To hinder, detain, keep back, hold up, impede, prevent, restrain. Ulangá siá sang sugilánon, agúd índì siá makalakát. Prevent him from going away by keeping-up a conversation with him,-him in conversation. Ginuláng kamí sang bahâ. We were held up by the flood. (see pugúng, sagáng, puút, tápnà, etc.).



Stoppage, discontinuation, discontinuance, interruption, end; to stop, end, give over, adjourn, bring to-an end,-a close, discontinue, interrupt, cease. Nagaúntat na ang ulán. The rain is stopping. It is giving over to rain. Untatí na lang ang ímo pagsulát, pangabúdlay, etc. Give over writing, working, etc. Untatá ang íya pagsugál. Put an end to his gambling. Naúntat na siá sa amó nga palangakoán. He has been removed from office. (see puút, langán, tápnà).



Stoppage, discontinuation, discontinuance, interruption, end; to stop, end, give over, adjourn, bring to-an end,-a close, discontinue, interrupt, cease. Nagaúntat na ang ulán. The rain is stopping. It is giving over to rain. Untatí na lang ang ímo pagsulát, pangabúdlay, etc. Give over writing, working, etc. Untatá ang íya pagsugál. Put an end to his gambling. Naúntat na siá sa amó nga palangakoán. He has been removed from office. (see puút, langán, tápnà).



(B) To stop, cease, halt. (see dúlug, puút, táyod, úntat, tápnà).



(B) To stop, cease, halt. (see dúlug, puút, táyod, úntat, tápnà).

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