Cramp in the stomach; to cause pain or cramps in the stomach, etc. Gindúnggò siá sang busúg. He had an attack of cramps in the stomach. Táo nga binusúg. A man that has stomach cramps. Ang banóg, ngípon, etc. nagabusúg. The ulcer, tooth, etc. causes pain, gives agonizing pain. Binúsgan siá. He is suffering from cramps.
Filled, replete, satiated, satisfied, not hungry; to fill, stuff with food, satisfy one's hunger. Busúg pa akó. I am not hungry. Nabusúg na akó. I have eaten quite enough. Indì ka magkáon sing busúg. Don't eat to repletion or satiety.
Very smarting, agonizing, excruciating, painful. Ang kagát sang iwí-íwi támà kabúsug, kag ang kinádtan magabusúg gid. The sting of the scorpion is very painful and the place bitten by it gives great anguish.
From busúg-to be full, satisfied, etc.
The calf of the leg. (see batíis, pusupusuán,
Very full or satisfied after partaking of a hearty meal; to be full, satiated, gorged, glutted. Butíngting na akó. I have eaten my fill. Nagabutíngting na akó. I am quite full. Pabutingtingá ang búsung mo. Eat your fill. (see busúg).
Dim. and Freq. of duál. Nagaduálduál na siá, kay busúg. He has no longer any appetite, for he has eaten his fill. (see duyâduyâ).
To be completely full or satisfied, have no appetite any longer, loathe food on account of having already eaten one's fill, eat without relish. Nagaduyâduyâ siá, kay busúg na. He eats without relish, for he is full already. (see dwáldwal, díway, butíngting, taká).
To surfeit, glut, cloy, cause loathing by eating to excess or, especially, by eating food that contains much fat or sugar. Nabábò ang ginháwa ko sang pagkáon, kay busúg na akó. I feel an aversion to food, for I am completely satisfied. Ang lakás nga dólse nga íya kináon naghábò sang íya ginháwa. The sweets he has eaten to excess have cloyed him. (see taká, sumó, súm-od).
Fulness, repletion, satiety, satisfaction from having eaten and (or) drunk enough. (see busúg, kabulúsgon).
Fulness of stomach, satiety. (see busúg, kabulúsgon).
Fulness, repletion, satiety, condition of one who has eaten or drunk enough. (busúg). Also: cramps in the stomach, acute stomach-ache; indigestion, dyspepsia.
(H) Satisfying, satiating, filling, gratifying to repletion. (see busúg).
(B) For nabusúg from busúg-satiated, etc.
(B) To do well or thoroughly, make a good job of it, attend to properly or with care. Malóoy kaw kadiáng bátà nga ílo kag rorógan mo gid kang sagúd. (Malóoy ka siníng bátà nga ílo kag sagurón mo gid sing maáyo). Have pity on this orphan boy and take complete care of him. Si Fuláno narorógan gid kang gásto sa pagtoón, hay mayád pa kató tóo ang ándang pagkabutáng. (Si Fuláno nagastohán gid sing madámù (sing maáyo) sa íya pagtoón, kay maáyo pa sádto (nga tiémpo) ang íla pagkabutáng). They had spent much money for N.N.'s studies, for in those days they were still well-to-do. (see áyaw, paayáwáyaw, busúg, búg-os).
Cramps of the stomach; indigestion, dyspepsia; to cause cramps of the stomach. Ginasáb-o siá. He has cramps of the stomach. Sináb-o (nasábo) siá kahápon. Yesterday he had an attack of cramps in the stomach. Silíng níya nga nasáb-o siá, sing ugái apendisítis gid ang íya nga balatían. He says he has cramps of the stomach, whereas in reality he has appendicitis. (see busúg).
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