Search result(s) - súm-od



See sumó. Nasum-orán akó siníng pagkáon. I dislike this food. I have an aversion to this kind of food.



Nausea, loathing, queasiness, qualm. (súm-od).



See makasolómo-disgusting, etc. (see súm-od).



Annoyance, disgust, aversion; to get annoyed, disgusted or dissatisfied. Nagabáhot ang ginháwa ko. I am a little disgusted. Nabahotán akó siníng pangabúhì. I have an aversion to this kind of life. I dislike this manner of life. (see taká, súm-od).



Satiety, surfeit, disgust; to do as one pleases, do to one's heart's content; to surfeit, glut. Ginabangkahán gid lang níla ang báboy. They are glutting themselves with pork. (see ángka, kánkan, taká, súm-od, sumó, tíbal).



(B) To cause loathing or nausea, to nauseate, turn one's stomach, make one's stomach queasy. Ang támbok nagpabútlà sa ákon. The fat turned my stomach. Binutlaán akó sináng báboy. That pork upset my stomach,-made me feel queasy. (see súm-od, sumó, taká, dígwà).



To surfeit, glut, cloy, cause loathing by eating to excess or, especially, by eating food that contains much fat or sugar. Nabábò ang ginháwa ko sang pagkáon, kay busúg na akó. I feel an aversion to food, for I am completely satisfied. Ang lakás nga dólse nga íya kináon naghábò sang íya ginháwa. The sweets he has eaten to excess have cloyed him. (see taká, sumó, súm-od).



(H) Loathing, aversion; abomination. (see kasúm-od, kasulómo).



See kasúm-od.



Nauseating, sickening, revolting, exciting a feeling of loathing, uninviting, unappetizing, applied especially to food cooked in too much fat. (see somó, makasolómo, mabútlà, masúm-od).



To loathe, recoil, be sickened, nauseated or revolted, abhor, feel like vomiting or have an aversion to, to detest, abominate, hate, feel repugnance to. Nagakangíl-ad akó sa pagtán-aw sang líntà. I hate to see (look upon) a leech. Dílì takús igkangíl-ad ang pagsagúd sa mga masakít. One should not show one's repugnance in attending on the sick. Ginangil-arán akó sang ípot sang kuríng. I feel like vomiting at the sight of a cat's dirt. (see taká, súm-od, lóod).



To be brimful, chock-full, full to overflowing; to surfeit, loathe, have enough (more than enough) of a thing. (see súg-ak, punô, taká, sumô, súm-od).



Nausea, loathing, disgust; to loathe, feel disgust at, dislike, detest, abominate, abhor. Nagasumó ang ginháwa ko sa (sang) matámbok nga kárne sang báboy. I loathe fat pork. Ginasúm-an (Ginasúmwan, ginasumohán) akó siníng karne. This meat turns my stomach. This meat is giving me a feeling of disgust. (see taká, súm-od).



To smell or taste bad, stale, tainted, to excite disgust. (see álan, bútlà, sumó, súm-od, taká).

súyà, suyâ-suyâ


To surfeit, loath, have an aversion, feel a repugnance to. (see duyâduyâ, taká, sumó, súm-od).



Nausea, loathing, surfeit, disgust, aversion, repugnance; to loathe, feel an aversion to, be disgusted with, etc. Nagakataká akó siníng kárne. Naták-an akó siníng kárne. I have taken an aversion to this meat. I dislike-, feel a loathing for-, am disgusted with-, this kind of meat. Indì ka magkataká (magtaká) sang ákon mga sógò. Don't be offended at my orders. Don't take exception to my orders. Ginaták-an siá sang amó nga pangabúdlay. He feels a repugnance to such kind of work. (see sumó, súm-od).



Surfeit, disgust, horror, abhorrence of (for), loathing; to nauseate, fill with disgust, give a person a dislike to a thing, sicken a person of a thing; to have more than enough of a thing, to loathe, be disgusted with, have a repugnance or aversion to, feel an antipathy against, have a great dislike to, be sick of, have a distaste for, receive a good lesson the very memory of which excites unpleasant feelings. Natíbal (Nagkatíbal) na ang ginháwa níya sang káon sang báboy. He is sick of pork. He cannot bear the sight of pork (having eaten too much of it before). Gintíbal siá sang hánot sang íya amáy. He received such a flogging from his father that-it will be a lesson to him,-he has had enough for some time. Natíbal siá sang pagpangabúdlay dídto. He has now an aversion (a repugnance) to the hard work (drudgery) there. He has had more than enough of drudgery in that place. (see sumó, súm-od, taká, dúdlà, túbal).



(B) To feel an aversion or loathing (after having done, eaten, etc. something to excess); to surfeit. Naunáw (Nalánag na siá sang) kang pasáyan. He is now averse to eating shrimps. He is surfeited with eating shrimps. (see taká, díway, sumó, súm-od, lánag).



(B) To feel an aversion or loathing (after having done, eaten, etc. something to excess); to surfeit. Naunáw (Nalánag na siá sang) kang pasáyan. He is now averse to eating shrimps. He is surfeited with eating shrimps. (see taká, díway, sumó, súm-od, lánag).