Search result(s) - kánkan



To do, spend, eat, etc., to one's heart's content, because there is so much (to do, spend, eat, etc.). Ginkankanán gid lang níla ang mga pagkáon. They ate to their heart's content. (see patúyang, pasamíyang, údak, pagústo).



To please oneself, do as one likes, eat, drink, etc. as much as one likes. Angkahán lang nínyo ang pagkáon, kay manámit kag dagáyà. Eat as much as you like, for the food is good and plentiful. (see kánkan).



Satiety, surfeit, disgust; to do as one pleases, do to one's heart's content; to surfeit, glut. Ginabangkahán gid lang níla ang báboy. They are glutting themselves with pork. (see ángka, kánkan, taká, súm-od, sumó, tíbal).



(B) Freq. and Caus. of másaw-to feast, eat well, etc. Namásaw silá dídto sa bádù. They ate well (there) at the banquet. Pamasáwa ang mga bátà. Let the children eat to their heart's content. (see pamáskwa, kánkan, paáyaw, papáskwa the Caus. of páskwa).



(B) To do to one's heart's content, do as one pleases. Nagapaungáúnga gid siá sang káon sing páhò. He is eating mangoes to his heart's content. He eats as many mangoes as he likes. Walâ níya pagtugúti ang bátà nga magpaungáúnga sang mga búnga nga maáslum ukón línghod. She did not permit her child to eat sour or unripe fruit. (see paáyaw, kánkan, patúyang, pagusá, pasamíyang).



To do as one pleases, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content or desire, to eat one's fill, or the like. Ginaudákan lang níla ang pagkáon. They are eating to their heart's content. Inudákan siá níla sang yagutâ, sang tapúngol, etc. They mocked him, beat him, etc.-till they had enough of it,-till they were completely satisfied,-to their heart's desire. (see pagusá, patúyang, pasamíyang, kánkan).



To do as one pleases, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content or desire, to eat one's fill, or the like. Ginaudákan lang níla ang pagkáon. They are eating to their heart's content. Inudákan siá níla sang yagutâ, sang tapúngol, etc. They mocked him, beat him, etc.-till they had enough of it,-till they were completely satisfied,-to their heart's desire. (see pagusá, patúyang, pasamíyang, kánkan).



To please oneself, eat one's fill and leave some over, have enough and to spare in the way of food, etc. Nagaúnay siá sang mga páhò. He is eating as many mangoes as he likes. Ginunáyan lang níya ang mga ságing. He just ate bananas to his heart's content. (see kánkan, paúnay).



To please oneself, eat one's fill and leave some over, have enough and to spare in the way of food, etc. Nagaúnay siá sang mga páhò. He is eating as many mangoes as he likes. Ginunáyan lang níya ang mga ságing. He just ate bananas to his heart's content. (see kánkan, paúnay).



Also used in the meaning of kánkan, údak-to eat to one's heart's content, do as one pleases, etc.



Also used in the meaning of kánkan, údak-to eat to one's heart's content, do as one pleases, etc.