Search result(s) - paúnay



Caus. of únay. To let one please oneself, eat or drink or do as one likes, lay no restraint upon. Ipaúnay lang sa íla ang pagkáon. Let them eat as they like, i.e. without restraint and without preference. Paunáyan mo silá sang panyága. Let them take their dinner without formality. Kon magsúgud gánì ang galíng ang úna nga háon ginapaúnay sa mga táo. When the milling of sugar cane commences, the first vatful of sugar is given to the workmen (to do with as they please).



To please oneself, eat one's fill and leave some over, have enough and to spare in the way of food, etc. Nagaúnay siá sang mga páhò. He is eating as many mangoes as he likes. Ginunáyan lang níya ang mga ságing. He just ate bananas to his heart's content. (see kánkan, paúnay).



To please oneself, eat one's fill and leave some over, have enough and to spare in the way of food, etc. Nagaúnay siá sang mga páhò. He is eating as many mangoes as he likes. Ginunáyan lang níya ang mga ságing. He just ate bananas to his heart's content. (see kánkan, paúnay).