Search result(s) - pagusá



To have one's will, do to one's heart's content, do as one pleases. Nagapagusá gid lang siá sa paghingúyang sing madámù nga pílak. He wastes much money on whims and fancies. Nagpagusá silá sa pagpíntas sa táo nga íla nadakúp. They tortured the man they caught till their cruelty was sated. They wreaked their anger on the man they caught. (see patúyang, pasamíyang).



To insist on, press, be persistent or peremptory. (see patúsà, pagusáb, pagâgâ, pagusá).



Caus. of bará-to run aground, etc. Also: to do-as one pleases,-to one's heart's content, follow one's own inclination, have one's own way. (see patúyang, pagusá, pagústo).



To gratify another's wish, indulge another, let another have his will, wink at, accommodate oneself to, spoil (a child). Nagságsag ang íla anák, kay sang diótay pa siá íla ginpadagayán sang tanán níya nga luyáglúyag. Their son turned out bad, because when he was young they granted him everything he wished for,-they let him have everything he wanted. (see pasugút, pagústo, patúyang, pagusá, pasamíyang, pakaiyáníyan).



See pagusá.



To dispose of freely, be free to act as one likes, please oneself, do to one's heart's content, have one's own way, make oneself comfortable. Pasamíyang ka lang dirâ sa bág-o nga baláy. Pasamiyángi lang ang bág-o nga baláy. Make yourself comfortable (at home) in the new house. Dispose of the new house as you like. Make any arrangements you please in the new house. (see patúyang, pagusá).



To have one's will, or way, go one's own way, do as one likes (pleases, chooses) or to follow one's own inclination for. Ang mga manggaránon saráng makapatúyang sang íla mga lúyag. Rich folks can afford to do as they please. Ipatúyang lang ang ímo pílak. Do what you like with your money. (see pasamíyang, pagusá).



(B) To do to one's heart's content, do as one pleases. Nagapaungáúnga gid siá sang káon sing páhò. He is eating mangoes to his heart's content. He eats as many mangoes as he likes. Walâ níya pagtugúti ang bátà nga magpaungáúnga sang mga búnga nga maáslum ukón línghod. She did not permit her child to eat sour or unripe fruit. (see paáyaw, kánkan, patúyang, pagusá, pasamíyang).



To do as one pleases, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content or desire, to eat one's fill, or the like. Ginaudákan lang níla ang pagkáon. They are eating to their heart's content. Inudákan siá níla sang yagutâ, sang tapúngol, etc. They mocked him, beat him, etc.-till they had enough of it,-till they were completely satisfied,-to their heart's desire. (see pagusá, patúyang, pasamíyang, kánkan).



To do as one pleases, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content or desire, to eat one's fill, or the like. Ginaudákan lang níla ang pagkáon. They are eating to their heart's content. Inudákan siá níla sang yagutâ, sang tapúngol, etc. They mocked him, beat him, etc.-till they had enough of it,-till they were completely satisfied,-to their heart's desire. (see pagusá, patúyang, pasamíyang, kánkan).



To make worse, exert an evil influence upon, especially applied to various foods that make skin-diseases worse. Ang ísdà nga hurô nagpagusáb sang íya katúl. The rotten fish made his skin-disease "katúl" worse.



Split, burst open, pop; to burst (as some kinds of peas and beans, when boiled in water, etc.). Nagagusáng na ang mónggo. The monggo is bursting. Lúndi na sing talóng, kay gusáng na ang mónggo. Now put in some egg-plant, for the monggo has burst, (i.e. is properly cooked). Pagusangá ánay ang mónggo; índì mo ánay paglúndan sang dáhon sang balúnggay. First let the monggo burst; do not put in the balunggay-leaves before. (see lusáng, butî).



To swallow greedily, devour, gulp down. Indì mo paglam-odón ang tinápay. Don't eat bread so greedily. Naglám-od gid lang siá sang ságing nga walâ níya pagusánga. He swallowed the banana without chewing it. (see lámon, halúnhon, subád, síbà, sibád, lam-odá, lam-odí-lam-orá, lam-orí, etc.



A very insipid, nauseating taste or smell, as of raw green peas and beans, the fruit of the dalógdog, sibúkaw, etc.; to be insipid, cause nausea, etc. Indì mo pagusángon iníng mga balátong, kay pagalangtohán ka gid. Don't chew these beans, for they will make you sick. (see lás-ay).



(H) The stomach, abdomen; to give blows or fisticuffs directed against the stomach or abdomen. Masakít ang íya solóksolók. He has stomach-ache. Nagpagusá silá sang íla solóksolók (pagsolóksolók) sa waláy loóy-lóoy sa kaílo nga táo túbtub nga nagkúghad siá sing dugô. They exhausted their rage on the poor fellow and without the least mercy struck blow after blow with their fists on his abdomen till he coughed up blood. Indì mo siá pagsolóksolokón (pagsumbagón sa solóksolók). Don't strike him on the stomach (with your fist). (see soróksorók).