Search result(s) - lusáng



To burst, break open, explode, pop (said of many kinds of beans and peas, etc. that break open, when being boiled). Ang ibán nga mga balátong nagalusáng kon lagáon. Some beans burst when boiled. (see gusáng).



Split, burst open, pop; to burst (as some kinds of peas and beans, when boiled in water, etc.). Nagagusáng na ang mónggo. The monggo is bursting. Lúndi na sing talóng, kay gusáng na ang mónggo. Now put in some egg-plant, for the monggo has burst, (i.e. is properly cooked). Pagusangá ánay ang mónggo; índì mo ánay paglúndan sang dáhon sang balúnggay. First let the monggo burst; do not put in the balunggay-leaves before. (see lusáng, butî).



Caus. of lusáng-to burst open, etc.