Search result(s) - paayáwáyaw



(B) To do well or thoroughly, make a good job of it, attend to properly or with care. Malóoy kaw kadiáng bátà nga ílo kag rorógan mo gid kang sagúd. (Malóoy ka siníng bátà nga ílo kag sagurón mo gid sing maáyo). Have pity on this orphan boy and take complete care of him. Si Fuláno narorógan gid kang gásto sa pagtoón, hay mayád pa kató tóo ang ándang pagkabutáng. (Si Fuláno nagastohán gid sing madámù (sing maáyo) sa íya pagtoón, kay maáyo pa sádto (nga tiémpo) ang íla pagkabutáng). They had spent much money for N.N.'s studies, for in those days they were still well-to-do. (see áyaw, paayáwáyaw, busúg, búg-os).



To do to one's heart's content, especially said of eating, drinking, feasting, or the like. Makapaayáwáyaw na kitá sang káon sang páhò, kay madámù ang lútò. We can now eat mangoes to our heart's content, for there are many ripe ones. (see áyaw, paáyaw).