Search result(s) - taníng



Tight, taut, close. (see hugút, tádlong).



To make taut, to tighten, straighten (a rope, etc.). Tanínga ang kalát. Tighten the rope. Pull the rope straight. Mahámpang kitá sang "habúl-*hábul sa táytay"; kon magsilíng gánì ang manugdumála "taníngon" laboyán, kon "laboyán" taníngon. Let us play the game of "weaving on the bridge"; when the leader says; "Tighten", let loose, when he says; "Let loose", tighten. (see úntay, hugút, tádlong, taníng).



To tighten, to be or make tight (strained, close). (see hugút, dapát, táning, tríngka).



Tight, taut, close, stretched. (see hugút, taníng).



(Sp. teso) Taut, straight, tense, drawn tight. (see hugút, taníng, tádlong, tióndò).



To stretch out, extend, straighten a limb, a rope, etc. Untayá ang ímo bútkon. Stretch out your arm. Hold your arm out straight. Iúntay ang ímo tiíl. Stretch forth your foot. Untayí siá siníng kalát, kay íya aláson (pagaaláson). Straighten this rope for him, for he is going to wind it up. Iúntay mo akó siníng hábul, kay madámù sing yokót. Please smooth this blanket for me, because it is full of wrinkles. (see tádlong, táning).



To stretch out, extend, straighten a limb, a rope, etc. Untayá ang ímo bútkon. Stretch out your arm. Hold your arm out straight. Iúntay ang ímo tiíl. Stretch forth your foot. Untayí siá siníng kalát, kay íya aláson (pagaaláson). Straighten this rope for him, for he is going to wind it up. Iúntay mo akó siníng hábul, kay madámù sing yokót. Please smooth this blanket for me, because it is full of wrinkles. (see tádlong, táning).



Loose, slack, not tight, not taut; to loosen, get loose, slacken. Naglabóy ang páha ko. My belt got loose. Húgta ang páha mo, agúd índì maglabóy ang sárwal mo. Tighten your belt, lest your trousers should get slack. Laboyí ang higót sang dúyan, kay támà katáas. Let out the rope of the hammock, for it is too high. Nalaboyán ko ang kalát. I loosened the rope. Laboyí ang kalát, kay támà katáning. Slacken the rope, for it is too tight. Ilabóy akó ánay siníng higót. Please loosen this string for me.