Search result(s) - yagutâ



See yagúm-at-to scoff at, etc.



Ridicule, joke, chaff, derision, banter, fun; to make fun of, poke fun at, ridicule, deride, twit, quiz, chaff, laugh at, rally, banter, crack jokes at another's expense. Indì mo pagbiáy-biáyon ang ákon ngálan. Don't make fun of my name. (see tiáwtíaw, lahógláhog, uslít, úmpit, pasipála, uligâ, ulígyat, yagutâ).



To insult, upbraid, ridicule, scoff, use insolent language. (see pasipála, yagutâ, yagúm-at, uligâ, ulígyat, tiáw-tíaw).



To tease, fool, mock, scoff, take off, ridicule, parody, travesty, exasperate by imitation or repetition of what another does or says, to mimic. Indì ka magsónlog sa ákon. Indì mo akó pagsonlogón. Don't mimic me. Don't mock--, tease--, fool--, me. (see tiáwtíaw, sulínga, yagutâ).



To despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, slight, look down upon, scout, flout, scoff at, have or show contempt for. Tamáya ang amó nga búhat (binuhátan). Despise such conduct (doings). Nagtámay siá sa ákon. Gintámay níya akó. He despised me. He treated me with contempt. Dílì mo pagtamáyon ang mga láygay sang ímo ginikánan. Don't scorn the advice of your parents. (see ahígahíg, pahámak, híkay, múlay, yagutâ, ulígyat).



Dim. and Freq. of tíaw. Indì mo siá pagtiáwtiáwan. Don't crack jokes at his expense. Don't trifle with him. Don't make a butt of him. Don't joke him (about something he has done or said). (see sónlog, ulígyat, yagutâ, lahógláhog).



To rail at, scoff, mock, curse and swear at. Hinúgay ka sang pálak kag índì ka magtunyági sang yárà sa idálum. Calm your (angry) excitement and don't rail at (upbraid, speak insolently to) those below you. (see pamuyáyaw, pamúlag, támay, yagutâ, ulígyat).



To do as one pleases, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content or desire, to eat one's fill, or the like. Ginaudákan lang níla ang pagkáon. They are eating to their heart's content. Inudákan siá níla sang yagutâ, sang tapúngol, etc. They mocked him, beat him, etc.-till they had enough of it,-till they were completely satisfied,-to their heart's desire. (see pagusá, patúyang, pasamíyang, kánkan).



To do as one pleases, as much as one likes, to one's heart's content or desire, to eat one's fill, or the like. Ginaudákan lang níla ang pagkáon. They are eating to their heart's content. Inudákan siá níla sang yagutâ, sang tapúngol, etc. They mocked him, beat him, etc.-till they had enough of it,-till they were completely satisfied,-to their heart's desire. (see pagusá, patúyang, pasamíyang, kánkan).



Mockery, jibe, sneers, contumely, derision, ridicule, scoffing, sarcasm, sarcastic (caustic, bitter sneering) remarks; to mock, deride, scoff at, jeer, jibe, laugh at, turn into ridicule, make fun of, sneer at, hiss and hoot at, mob. Ginulígyat siá sang mga táo. The men-derided him,-mocked him,-mobbed him. Si Heródes nagulígyat kay Hesús. Herod mocked Jesus. Indì mo paguligyatón ang maláut níya nga kapaláran. Don't make fun of his bad luck. (see yagutâ, uligâ).



Mockery, jibe, sneers, contumely, derision, ridicule, scoffing, sarcasm, sarcastic (caustic, bitter sneering) remarks; to mock, deride, scoff at, jeer, jibe, laugh at, turn into ridicule, make fun of, sneer at, hiss and hoot at, mob. Ginulígyat siá sang mga táo. The men-derided him,-mocked him,-mobbed him. Si Heródes nagulígyat kay Hesús. Herod mocked Jesus. Indì mo paguligyatón ang maláut níya nga kapaláran. Don't make fun of his bad luck. (see yagutâ, uligâ).



(H) Ridicule, derision, mockery, raillery, chaff, badinage; to tease, make fun of, ridicule, deride, laugh at, banter, rally, chaff, poke fun at, mock, scoff at. Indì ka magyúbit sa mga piáng, lamón, etc. Indì mo pagyubítan ang mga piáng, lamón, etc. Do not make fun of (Do not scoff at) the lame, blind, etc. (see yúgit, yagutâ, yagúm-at, uligâ, ulígyat, tiáwtíaw, úmpit).