To find fault with, disdain, hold in contempt, scout, flout, contemn, despise, scorn, slight, belittle, make light of, criticize, scoff at, sneer at, disparage, vilify; vilification, disparagement, act of undervaluing or depreciating, scorn, contempt, contumely. Indì ka maghíkay sang mga binuhátan sang ibán. Don't disparage the doings of others. Ginhikáyan siá níla sang íya pangánta. They found fault with her singing. Ihíkay mo sa íya ang íya nga kadayáw. Chide her for her vanity. Ginhíkay níya sa ákon ang madámù nga masápnot nga halambalánon. He poured bitter scorn upon me (abused me) with many harsh words. (see múlay, támay).
Of use, worth something, etc. See yáwat. (see yádì, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).
-ay, (Short for -anay) A very frequently used suffix denoting reciprocity or an action by many, e.g. pilasáy, pinilasáy (pílas-to wound); bukaráy, binukaráy (búkad-to open, disclose); hikayáy, hinikayáy (híkay-to disparage, criticize); hikawáy, hinikawáy, (híkaw-to envy, spite); agawáy, inagawáy (ágaw-to snatch, take); sulátay, sinulátay (sulát-to write); minulayáy (múlay-to carp, cavil, run down); tabanáy, tinabanáy (tában-to run away with), etc. etc.
(H) Fit to be scorned or disparaged, reproachable, censurable, blamable, reprehensible, contemptible, faulty, blameworthy. (see híkay).
(H) Disparaging language, finding fault with, depreciating, criticizing adversely, etc. (see híkay).
Detraction, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, defamation, aspersion, traducement, backbiting, speaking ill of, running down; to detract, derogate, disparage, decry, depreciate, run down, vilify, vilipend, malign, belittle, asperse, pull to pieces, cast aspersions on, blacken, backbite, traduce, defame, speak ill of, talk about the faults of others with injury to their reputation. Indì ka maglibák. Do not detract. Indì mo siá paglibakón. Do not talk about his faults. Ginlibák níya akó. He injured my reputation. Indì mo pagilibák sa íya ináng diótay níya nga mga kakulángan. Don't bring up against him those little short-comings of his. Dî maísip nga mga kalaínan ang saráng mahátag sa isá ka bánwa sang amó nga mga paglibák kag pagbutángbútang. Untold are the evils that may be brought upon a town by such defamations and calumnies. (see híkay, múlay).
To criticize maliciously, run down, carp, cavil, disparage, decry, belittle, traduce, underrate, speak ill of, find fault with, slight, depreciate, speak depreciatingly of the doings of others. Nagmúlay siá sa ákon-or-ginmúlay níya akó. He disparaged me. He spoke ill of me. Indì mo pagmuláyon ang íya mga binuhátan. Don't criticize his doings in a malicious way. (see híkay, támay).
To find fault with, criticize adversely, disparage, use strong language, chide, scold; gainsay, deny, give the lie to. Walâ sing makapúyas sang íya sinâ nga ikaáyo, ikaláin, etc. No one can deny its advantage, disadvantage, etc. Daláyon gid lang silá nagapinuyasáy. They are always-finding fault with each other,-criticizing one another,-quarrelling with each other. (see pamúrag, pamúlag, pamúsa, pamulúgsò, híkay, múlay, pamuyáyaw, suáysúay).
To despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, slight, look down upon, scout, flout, scoff at, have or show contempt for. Tamáya ang amó nga búhat (binuhátan). Despise such conduct (doings). Nagtámay siá sa ákon. Gintámay níya akó. He despised me. He treated me with contempt. Dílì mo pagtamáyon ang mga láygay sang ímo ginikánan. Don't scorn the advice of your parents. (see ahígahíg, pahámak, híkay, múlay, yagutâ, ulígyat).
To apply many strokes in quick succession, to thrash, beat, chastise severely, flog or whip thoroughly; to scold, chide, rebuke, vilify, vituperate, criticize sharply, flay. Indì mo siá pagtarítaríhon sang búnal. Don't whip him too severely. Don't give him too many strokes of the whip. Sa ílang pagpakigpulóngpúlong gintarítári níla ang búnghay nga íla kasúmpong. In their speeches they flayed (criticized sharply, vilified) their opponents. Kon magliwán ikáw magbúhat sinâ ipatarítári ko gid ikáw kay tátay. If you do it again I shall see to it that father gives you a good thrashing (beating, hiding). (see búnal, hánot, hámpak, múlay, híkay, básol).
Invective, insult, taunt, defamation, obloquy, diatribe, insulting or abusive language (word, expression), affront, mockery; to abuse in words, vituperate, scold, rail at, rate, revile, vilify, use insulting (invective) expressions, taunt, call names, inveigh against. Indì mo siá pagtimolangón. Don't insult him (verbally). Don't call him names. Anó ang gintimoláng níya sa ímo? What invectives did he hurl (throw, fling) at you? Ang pagtimoláng amó ang dalángpan sang mga matálaw kag sang walâ sing katarúngan. Invectives are the refuge of cowards and of those that cannot show (furnish, produce) evidence (of what they claim). (see buyáyaw, pamuyáyaw, libák, múlay, híkay, pamúlag, pamúyas).
The doing of something in and out of season; faultfinding; a faultfinder; to do at all times (according to one's whim); to carp, cavil, find fault with (the defects or mistakes of others), take offence very easily (at trifles). Yapák-yapák siá sing bábà (bâbâ). Her tongue is always busy. She is an annoying chatterbox. She is always finding fault with something or with somebody. Masyádo (Támà) sa íya kayapákyapák. He is a caviler (caviller), faultfinder. He is always complaining about (criticizing) something (somebody) or other. (see yamuhát, híkay, múlay).