Meaning of híkay



To find fault with, disdain, hold in contempt, scout, flout, contemn, despise, scorn, slight, belittle, make light of, criticize, scoff at, sneer at, disparage, vilify; vilification, disparagement, act of undervaluing or depreciating, scorn, contempt, contumely. Indì ka maghíkay sang mga binuhátan sang ibán. Don't disparage the doings of others. Ginhikáyan siá níla sang íya pangánta. They found fault with her singing. Ihíkay mo sa íya ang íya nga kadayáw. Chide her for her vanity. Ginhíkay níya sa ákon ang madámù nga masápnot nga halambalánon. He poured bitter scorn upon me (abused me) with many harsh words. (see múlay, támay).