Meaning of tarí-tári



To apply many strokes in quick succession, to thrash, beat, chastise severely, flog or whip thoroughly; to scold, chide, rebuke, vilify, vituperate, criticize sharply, flay. Indì mo siá pagtarítaríhon sang búnal. Don't whip him too severely. Don't give him too many strokes of the whip. Sa ílang pagpakigpulóngpúlong gintarítári níla ang búnghay nga íla kasúmpong. In their speeches they flayed (criticized sharply, vilified) their opponents. Kon magliwán ikáw magbúhat sinâ ipatarítári ko gid ikáw kay tátay. If you do it again I shall see to it that father gives you a good thrashing (beating, hiding). (see búnal, hánot, hámpak, múlay, híkay, básol).