Search result(s) - tiáw-*tíaw



To tease, to stroke or caress a child against its will, to pat or fondle a child averse to such handling till it cries, gets angry or runs away. Ahosá siá. Tease him. Ipaahós mo sa íya ang bátà. Let him tease the baby. Nagmasakít ang bátà kay inahós ni Fulána nga áswang. The baby got sick, because the witch N.N. had caressed it or had teased it. (see ulít, tiáw-tíaw, lahóg-láhog).



To insult, upbraid, ridicule, scoff, use insolent language. (see pasipála, yagutâ, yagúm-at, uligâ, ulígyat, tiáw-tíaw).



A joke, jest, fun; to joke, jest, make fun, fool, play with, quip. Indì ka maglahóg sa mga butáng nga nahanungúd sa relihión. Don't crack jokes about things pertaining to religion. Lahogá lang siá. Tell him some jokes. Indì mo akó paglahogán sang ímo hámbal. Don't talk to me in jest. A, índì ka magpáti sinâ, kay linahóg gid lang inâ ni Fuláno. Oh, don't believe that, for N.N.-only said it in joke,-was only joking. (see tíaw-to tease, ridicule).



A kind of púto-cake.

To ridicule, mimic, mock, scoff, deride, gibe, find fault with, chide, criticize adversely or maliciously, to count up, enumerate (the faults, shortcomings, etc.). (see sónlog, ulígyat, uligâ, híkay, múlay, tiáw-*tíaw, ísip).



Ridicule, derision, mockery, scoffing, banter, raillery, chaff, joke; to ridicule, deride, banter, chaff, rally, twit, quiz, poke fun at, make fun of, tease, mock, scoff at, make or crack jokes about. Indì ka magtíaw sa ákon. Don't make fun of me. Dílì tíaw inâ. That is not a joke. I am not joking. Dílì tíaw nga kwárta ang íya nga gingásto. He has spent a lot of money.



Dim. and Freq. of tíaw. Indì mo siá pagtiáwtiáwan. Don't crack jokes at his expense. Don't trifle with him. Don't make a butt of him. Don't joke him (about something he has done or said). (see sónlog, ulígyat, yagutâ, lahógláhog).



Derision, ridicule, mockery; to deride, ridicule, tease, mock, scoff at, irritate or vex with jests, make sport (fun) of. (see tíaw, tiáwtíaw).

(B) An exclamation of surprise and wonder. Probably a contr. of dílì tíaw. Tiyáu man! Why, this is too much! That is rather too much! Tiyáu, lakás man ang sinúgid ni Fuláno! Good gracious! What N.N. said was exaggerated! Tiyáu kabutigón kaná! (Indì tíaw ang íya kabutigón). He is a rightdown liar. Tiyáu kahánggud kang baláy nga diá! (Indì tíaw ang kadakû siníng baláy). What a house! How large it is! (see abáw, támà, dúro, lám-ag, etc.).

uligâ, ulígà


Ridicule, mockery, sarcasm; to ridicule, mock, scoff at. Ginpasipaláhan níya siá kag ginuligâ sang maláut nga mga púlong. He insulted him and mocked him with vile language. Indì mo siá paguligaón. Don't scoff at him. Don't make him the butt of your sarcastic remarks. (see ulígyat, támay, tíaw).

uligâ, ulígà


Ridicule, mockery, sarcasm; to ridicule, mock, scoff at. Ginpasipaláhan níya siá kag ginuligâ sang maláut nga mga púlong. He insulted him and mocked him with vile language. Indì mo siá paguligaón. Don't scoff at him. Don't make him the butt of your sarcastic remarks. (see ulígyat, támay, tíaw).