Search result(s) - dúro



(Sp. duro) Many; very, much. Dúro nga mga táo. Many people. A great multitude. Dúro kasakít. Very painful. (see támà, lakás, lám-ag, rakô, madámò).



(Sp. aguantádo) Robust, strong with great powers of resistance to fatigue, pain and stress; one who can stand or bear much, one suffering patiently or with fortitude. Agwantádo siá sa tungâ sang tanán nga pagpangabúdlay kag kalisdánan. He bears up bravely in the midst of all fatigues and difficulties. Dúro siá kaagwantádo. He can stand very much. He is able to bear-, support-, a good deal.



(Sp. guasa, guason) Lively, cheerful, good-humoured; to be lively or of a cheerful disposition; to flow freely; to exude, to break forth, particularly applied to matter or pus oozing out of a wound, ulcer or boil. Ang komód nga táo dílì agwása. A man inclined to retirement and silence is not of a lively disposition. Nagaagwása na ang hubág. Pus is now flowing from the tumour. Ginapaagwása níla ang hubág. They are using remedies to cause the pus to flow from the tumour. Paagwasáha ang hubág. Make the tumour (by pressure, etc.) discharge its matter. Ipaagwása akó ánay sang ákon hubág sa lí-og. Kindly remove the matter (by pressure, poultices, etc.) from the tumour on my neck. Si Fuláno dúro gid kaagwása sa íya mga sugilánon. N.N. is very cheerful in his talk. N.N. is a chatterbox.



(Sp. demasiado) Too much, excessive, more than enough, exceeding, beyond proper limits. (see masyádo, lám-ag, lakás, dúro, támà, súkò, sóbra).



A prefix of very wide use in the formation of abstract and collective nouns as well as of an exclamatory superlative which nearly corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!" e.g. álam-kaálam (wisdom, learning); písan-kapísan (diligence, application); píntas-kapíntas (cruelty); ángot-kaangtánan (connection); lábut-kalabtánan (participation, implication); uyáng-kahinguyángan (outlay, expenditure); bátà-kabatáan (childhood; children); baláy-kabalayán (houses, collection of houses); támad-katámad sa ímo! How lazy you are! Dásig-kadásig siníng kabáyo! How swiftly this horse runs! gáhud, galúng-kagáhud kag kagalúng sináng mga bátà! Oh, the noisiness and boisterousness of those children! lisúd-ay, kalisúd! Oh, what a heavy cross! After superlative adverbs like lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo, támà, túman, etc. "ka" is either prefixed to the adjectives or takes the place of ma-, e.g. Dalók-greedy. Lakás kadalók. Very greedy. Layâ-dry. Masyádo kalayâ. Very dry. Maitúm-black. Lám-ag kaitúm. Very black. Madálum-deep. Dúro kadálum. Very deep. Matámbok-fat. Támà katámbok. Very fat. Dakû-large. Túman kadakû. Very large, etc.



Excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, to excess, superabundant, profuse, too much, overmuch, more than enough, beyond the proper limit, unreasonable, immoderate; to be or do to excess, etc. Lakás man inâ. That's really too much. Indì ka magkáon sing lakás, kay maláin inâ sa láwas mo. Don't eat too much, for it is bad for your health. Naglakás na ang bilí sang humáy. The price of rice has grown exorbitant. Nalakasán akó sang íya nga ginhámbal, ininúm, kináon, etc. He talked, drank, ate, etc. too much for my taste. Sa lakás nga pangabúdlay nagbalatián siá. Due to excessive work he fell ill. (see támà, masiádo, dúro, lám-ag).



(B) Too much, excessive, immoderate, extravagant, beyond measure; to be excessive, do something to excess. Indì ka magpalám-ag sang hámbal. Don't talk too much. Lám-ag kabúg-at iní sa ákon. This is too heavy for me. Nalam-agán akó sinâ. That is too much for me. I have had more than enough of that. Ginpalam-agán akó níya sang buyáyaw. He surpassed himself in swearing at me. (see támà, lakás, masiádo, dúro).



Pure, undefiled, unalloyed, unmixed, unsullied, mere, uncontaminated, virgin, unadulterated; very, very much, truly, really, thoroughly, excellently. Ang íla pagginawî lúnsay kaáyo. Their manners (habits, behaviour) are (is)-very good indeed,-excellent,-admirable. (see lúnlun, lubús, lúgus, túnay, hímpit, pulús, pasáy, támà, lakás, túman, dúro).



(B) Many, plenty, galore, abundant, abounding. (see rakô, dúro, madámù).



(B) Thick, stout, strong; much, too much, excessive, very. (see madámol, támà, lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo).



To flap or beat the wings, to clap the hands, applaud. Dúro nga pagpalákpak-or-pagpinalákpak sang pagdiskúrso níya. There was much clapping of hands during his discourse. Palakpakí siá. Clap him. Applaud him. (pákpak). (see tokáp).

Freq. of hangdálhángdal, handálhándal. To go in search of a buyer, to visit from house to house in order to dispose of a pawn or of something for sale. Dúro gid ang panghangdálhángdal ko sa pagbalígyà sang ákon báka. I had to go from place to place in trying to find a buyer for my cow or ox. Ipapanghangdálhángdal mo ang ímo báboy, básì may mabakál. Try to dispose of your pig, perhaps someone would like to buy it. Pinanghangdálhangdalán ko ang madámù nga mga baláy, ápang walâ sing may lúyag sa pagbakál sang ákon umá. I have been to many houses in search of a buyer, but there is none who wants to buy my land. Nagapanghangdálhángdal silá sing pílak nga ilimós sa minatáy. They are looking for money to pay the funeral fees for the person that died.



(B) Dim. of rírò. Dúro námon nga riró-rírò-or-dúro ang ámon nga pagrirôrírò túbtub nga nakadángat kamí sa ámon umá. We had to make many a detour before we reached our farm. Ginrirôrírò námon ang paglakát, kay madámul ang lúnang sa dálan. We walked a roundabout way, for there was deep mud on the road. Irirôrírò mo lang siá sa pagtokád, kay matáas ang búkid. Lead him up the ascent by a zigzag path, for the mountain is high. Riróa lang ang ímo paglakát-or-rirôriróa lang ang ímo paglakát, kon índì ka makaági sa dálan nga matádlong. Simply march by a circuitous route, if you cannot go by the straight road. (see tikôtíkò, likôlíkò).



Plenty, galore, abundant, excessive, exorbitant, too much, very much. Súkò kadagáyà karón ang mga páhò. Mangoes at present are plentiful. Súkò kamahál karón ang (sang) bilí sang ísdà. The price of fish is exorbitant now. (see lakás, támà, masyádo, lám-ag, dúro).



Excessive, overmuch, very, too much, too many, redundant, super-abundant, inordinate, superfluous, exorbitant; to do to excess, to overdo a thing. Nagakáon siá sing támà. He is eating too much. Natám-an siá sang káon. He ate too much. Támà kamahál iní (siní). This is too dear. Ginpatám-an níya ang karabáw sang dáro. He overworked the buffalo at ploughing. Támà kalayô sang (ang) ámon naláktan (laláktan). We have walked (have to walk) very far. (see lakás, lám-ag, súkò, dúro, masyádo, túman, kaáyo).

(B) An exclamation of surprise and wonder. Probably a contr. of dílì tíaw. Tiyáu man! Why, this is too much! That is rather too much! Tiyáu, lakás man ang sinúgid ni Fuláno! Good gracious! What N.N. said was exaggerated! Tiyáu kabutigón kaná! (Indì tíaw ang íya kabutigón). He is a rightdown liar. Tiyáu kahánggud kang baláy nga diá! (Indì tíaw ang kadakû siníng baláy). What a house! How large it is! (see abáw, támà, dúro, lám-ag, etc.).



Enough, sufficient, satisfactory, considerable; very, rather much, rather many. Túman na. That's enough. That'll do! That'll serve! That is sufficient. Dílì pa túman--kóndì nga--. It is not yet sufficient that--, but--. Túman kadámù nga mga táo ang nagtalámbong. Very many people assisted. A good crowd of people were present. Túman na balá ang túbig ukón dugángan ko pa? Is that water enough (Is there a sufficient amount of water now) or shall I add more yet? (see ígò, ángay, bágay, hústo, bastánte, támà, lakás, dúro, lám-ag, súkò).



(B) Crease, furrow, wrinkle; creased, wrinkled, furrowed. Madámù sing yokô ang (Dúro kaukút sang) ímo bestído. Your dress is full of creases. (see yokót, ukút).



(B) The thumb. (see darak-ónon, kamomóo, kumalágkù).



To walk with bent shoulders as old people, walk about with a stoop, to duck, stoop down, lower the head. Nagadúroy siá nga daw úmbok. He walks about like a quail. Dúroy ka, kay masíot ang dálan. Stoop low, for the road is overgrown. Duróya ang paglakát mo, kay nagabúyok ang mga sangâ sang káhoy. Bend down as you walk, for the branches of the tree are hanging down low. (see dúkoy, kuúb, dukô).

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