Search result(s) - bastánte



(Sp. bastante) Sufficient, enough, satisfactory; to be sufficient, etc. Bastánte na iní. It is quite sufficient. This suffices. This will do. (see túman, hústo).



(B) Sufficient, enough; fit, proper; to be sufficient or fit, etc. Arus na. Enough. That's sufficient. Indì maárus ang íya nga pamísti. Her way of dressing is not proper. (see bastánte, túman, ígò, ángay, hárus, íro).



(Sp. bastar) Enough, sufficient, satisfying. Básta na ang hámbal mo. That will do, you have talked quite enough. (see túman, bastánte).



Enough, sufficiency; to be enough, be sufficient, suffice, cover all the needs, content. Iní índì makasámbut sa ákon nga kinahánglan. This is not enough for my needs. Dî masámbut ang íya paghingamó sa pagmánggad. His desire for wealth cannot be satisfied, is insatiable. (see ígò, áyaw, túman, árus, ángay, bastánte).



Enough, sufficient, satisfactory, considerable; very, rather much, rather many. Túman na. That's enough. That'll do! That'll serve! That is sufficient. Dílì pa túman--kóndì nga--. It is not yet sufficient that--, but--. Túman kadámù nga mga táo ang nagtalámbong. Very many people assisted. A good crowd of people were present. Túman na balá ang túbig ukón dugángan ko pa? Is that water enough (Is there a sufficient amount of water now) or shall I add more yet? (see ígò, ángay, bágay, hústo, bastánte, támà, lakás, dúro, lám-ag, súkò).