Search result(s) - árus



(B) Sufficient, enough; fit, proper; to be sufficient or fit, etc. Arus na. Enough. That's sufficient. Indì maárus ang íya nga pamísti. Her way of dressing is not proper. (see bastánte, túman, ígò, ángay, hárus, íro).



Satisfactory, neither rich nor poor, rather well-to-do, well off. (see dawâdawâ, dirâdirâ, hingánhingán).



Enough, sufficiency; to be enough, be sufficient, suffice, cover all the needs, content. Iní índì makasámbut sa ákon nga kinahánglan. This is not enough for my needs. Dî masámbut ang íya paghingamó sa pagmánggad. His desire for wealth cannot be satisfied, is insatiable. (see ígò, áyaw, túman, árus, ángay, bastánte).



Hardly, with difficulty, scarcely. The phrase "kon hárus pa" means: Times (conditions, circumstances, etc.) are very hard, trying, difficult, driving one almost to despair, or the like. (see hálus).



(B) Often stands for makatarús. See tarús-to accomplish, perform, etc.

paarús, paárus


To reach, come to a-stop,-halt, cease to go on, pull up at. Nakapaarús siá dídto sa káhoy. He came to a halt there at the tree. Dídto na siá nakapaarús sa Négros. His journey came to an end at Negros. He stopped when he came to Negros. (see paamúlya).



(B) To accomplish, execute, perform; to proceed on an intended trip or journey, to actually undertake (an intended trip, etc.). Nakatarús akó kahápon magágto (sa pagágto) sa Ilóngílong. (Nakadayón akó kahápon magkádto (sa pagkádto) sa Ilóngílong). I carried out my intention of going to Iloilo yesterday. Mapánaw akó ráad kahápon sa minurô nga X., pay warâ akó makatarús, hay nagurán. (Malakát akó kúntà kahápon sa báryo nga X., ápang walâ akó makadayón, kay nagulán). I should have liked to go to the village X. yesterday, but did not go, because it rained. (see dayón, kadayón).



To rise from the dead, to raise to life again. Si Hesukrísto nabánhaw sing mahimayáon. Jesus Christ rose glorious from the dead. Ginbánhaw sang Diós si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised by God from the dead. Pagabanhawón gid sang Diós ang tanán nga mga táo sa katapúsan sang kalibútan. God will certainly raise all men from the dead at the end of the world. Indì ka makapabánhaw sing karabáw nga patáy na. You cannot raise to life again a dead buffalo. Ang kaadláwan sang pagkabánhaw. The day of the Resurrection. Ang Domíngo sang Pagkabánhaw. Easter Sunday, the Sunday of the Resurrection.



To bring back to life, raise to life, resuscitate, revivify, revive, restore to life; to be or get-free,-loose, to escape from confinement; to free, release, liberate, let go; to support, sustain, maintain. Buhíon mo ang bátà ko, kay kon índì, ambót sa ímo. Bring my baby back to life, for if not, I don't know what will happen to you. Ginbúhì liwát sang Aton Ginóo si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised to life again by Our Lord. Nakabúhì ang báboy sa tángkal. The pig got out of the sty. Buhíi (búy-i) ang mga báka sa buhián. Let the cattle roam about free-, loose-, in the pasture. Ginbuhían sang bátà ang píspis sa háwla. The boy let the bird out of the cage. Nabuhían na ang mga gintotón-an, ang mga binilánggò, etc. The students have been-dismissed,-given leave to depart (from the school), the prisoners have been set free, etc. Buhíi (búy-i) ang binángon. Release your hold on-, drop-, the bolo. Binúy-an (binuhían) níya ang tulún-an. He dropped the book. Siá amó ang nagabúhì sa íya mga ginikánan. He is the one that supports his parents. (see bánhaw, luás, gwâ, sagúd, agubáy).



To carry out, go on with, perform, execute, accomplish; fulfil, put into execution, realise, get or go through a business. (see tarús).



(H) Scarcely, hardly, barely, only just, with difficulty. Hálus akó makaginháwa. I can scarcely breathe. Hálus siá nakabáton sang sulát, dáyon siá naglakát. When he received the letter, he went off at once. Hálus siá nakaabút sa baláy nabúgtò ang íya ginháwa. He had barely reached home, when he expired. Hálus magbágting ang linggánay dáyon kamó magbángon. As soon as the bell rings, rise at once. Hálus námon madumdumán inâ. We can scarcely remember it. We have almost forgotten it. (see hárus).



To obey, fulfill, carry out, execute, perform, comply with, effect, achieve, accomplish. Walâ níya pagtumána ang sinógò ko sa íya. He did not comply with the order I gave him. Magtúman ka kon sogóon ikáw. Do what you are told. Obey when you are ordered. Gintúman gid níya ang íya tinúg-an sádto. He actually accomplished what he had promised to do. Buút níla ipatúman sa áton yanáng mabúg-at ngga mga tulumanón. They want us to carry out those difficult orders. (see búhat, hímò, dayón, tarús, páti which in (B) often has the meaning of: to obey).



(B) To go seawards, go down a valley or river, proceed down the river. Bág-o pa lang nagusáog (tána) sa bánwa. (Bág-o pa lang siá nagpabánwa (nagkádto, nagpakádto sa bánwa)). A very short while ago he went down to town. Kaína gid lang buút akó magusáog, pay warâ akó makatarús, hay nagurán. (Kaína gid lang buút akó magdúlhug, ápang walâ akó makadayón, kay nagulán). This very morning I wanted to go down (the hill, valley, river), but did not go, because it began to rain. (see súbà-to go up river).



(B) To go seawards, go down a valley or river, proceed down the river. Bág-o pa lang nagusáog (tána) sa bánwa. (Bág-o pa lang siá nagpabánwa (nagkádto, nagpakádto sa bánwa)). A very short while ago he went down to town. Kaína gid lang buút akó magusáog, pay warâ akó makatarús, hay nagurán. (Kaína gid lang buút akó magdúlhug, ápang walâ akó makadayón, kay nagulán). This very morning I wanted to go down (the hill, valley, river), but did not go, because it began to rain. (see súbà-to go up river).