Search result(s) - agubáy



To support, guide, help along persons who cannot walk well by themselves; to assist people in their necessities. Agubayá iníng piáng. Help along this lame person. Iagubáy akó ánay siníng masakít nga batà. Please support this sick child for me. Ipaagubáy ko lang iníng makaloló-oy nga tigúlang sa mga mádre. I'll get the nuns to take care of this poor old man. Makaagubáy ka sa íya? Can you help him along? Ginagubáy námon siá, kay malúya siá maglakát. We helped him along, as he had little strength to walk.



To support, help along invalids or sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in straits or difficulties. Agáka siá. Help him along. Ipaágak siá sa ímo sologoón. Let your servant lend him support. Order your servant to help him along. Ginaágak silá sang íla mga ábyan. They are being helped along in life by their friends. Agákon ko siá sa pagtabók sa subâ. I will lead him by the hand whilst crossing the river. (see agubáy, tóytoy, búlig, tábang).



(Sp. ayuda, ayudar) Help, aid, succour, assistance; enema, clyster; to help, assist; to administer an enema. Ayudahí siá. Help him. Ginaayudahán níya ang tagumatáyon. She is assisting the dying person (by saying the prayers for the dying, etc.). Notice the accent in the following: Ayudáhi siá. Administer him an enema. (see búlig, tábang, agubáy, kalíya, labatíba).



To bring back to life, raise to life, resuscitate, revivify, revive, restore to life; to be or get-free,-loose, to escape from confinement; to free, release, liberate, let go; to support, sustain, maintain. Buhíon mo ang bátà ko, kay kon índì, ambót sa ímo. Bring my baby back to life, for if not, I don't know what will happen to you. Ginbúhì liwát sang Aton Ginóo si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised to life again by Our Lord. Nakabúhì ang báboy sa tángkal. The pig got out of the sty. Buhíi (búy-i) ang mga báka sa buhián. Let the cattle roam about free-, loose-, in the pasture. Ginbuhían sang bátà ang píspis sa háwla. The boy let the bird out of the cage. Nabuhían na ang mga gintotón-an, ang mga binilánggò, etc. The students have been-dismissed,-given leave to depart (from the school), the prisoners have been set free, etc. Buhíi (búy-i) ang binángon. Release your hold on-, drop-, the bolo. Binúy-an (binuhían) níya ang tulún-an. He dropped the book. Siá amó ang nagabúhì sa íya mga ginikánan. He is the one that supports his parents. (see bánhaw, luás, gwâ, sagúd, agubáy).

sagubáy, sagúbay


To help, assist, support. See agubáy, ápin, tábang.



To support, guide, lead, take hold of another's arm and show him the way. Toytoyí ang lamón. Lead the blind man. Nangintóytoy níla siá. He became their support (guide, leader). (see agubáy; for guiding (in general), showing the way, pointing out the road, etc. túdlò ang gía (Sp. guiar) are more in use).



The fruit-stalk of the coconut palm. (see balayóbay).