To make, do, act, perform an act, deed or work, execute, accomplish. Indì mahímò inâ. That is impossible-or-that cannot be done. Ginhímò níya iní. He did (made) this. Walâ mo paghimóa ang ákon nga sinógò. You have not executed my order. Ginhimóan akó níya sing maláin. He injured me-or-did me some wrong-or-harmed me. Pagahimóon ko gid ang ímo nga túgon, bisán mabúdlay ang trabáho. I will surely carry out your order, even if the work is tiresome. Makahímò ikáw sinâ? Can you do that? (see búhat).
Fragrance, etc. See amión.
-an, A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place where". Note: This meaning is very clear in place-names, e.g. Batoán-the place where there are stones, from bató-stone; Balásan-the place where there is sand, from balás-sand; Tigbáwan-the place where there is tígbaw-reed, from tígbaw-reed, etc.
NOUNS: I) Likóan-a turning, a lane, from likô-to turn aside; Tuburán-a spring, source, from tubúd-to trickle; Lapakán-a treadle, from lápak-to tread, etc.
2) The suffix-an in conjunction with the prefix ka-goes to form abstract and collective nouns, e.g. Kasugtánan-agreement, from sugút-to agree; Kakahóyan-forest, trees, from káhoy-tree, wood; Kabatáan-children, from bátà-child, baby; Kataóhan-men, mankind, from táo-man; Kabulúyhan-habit, custom, from buyó-to accustom, etc.
ADJECTIVES: Isganán-brave, powerful, from ísug-to be or become brave; Manggáran-rich, wealthy, from mánggad-wealth, property; Gamhánan-mighty, powerful, from gahúm-might, power; Pahóan-one who possesses many mango-trees, from páhò-a mango-tree, etc.
VERBS:-an goes to form what is called "the passive in-an", and denotes:
1) the place where an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ang alipokpokán siníng bakólod pagapatindogán ko sang bág-o ko nga baláy. I will build my new house on the top of this hill. (patíndog-to erect, build). Amó iní ang lugár nga linúbngan níla sa kay Fuláno. This is the place where they buried (the body of) N.N. (lubúng-to bury).
2) the person for whose benefit, or to whose detriment, an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ginbuhátan níya akó sing asálan. He made a roasting spit for me. (búhat-to make). Indì mo siá paghimóan sing maláin. Don't harm him. (hímò-to do, with maláin-to do harm).
3) an impression, affection, sensation, mental state, or the like, e.g. Natahumán akó sinâ. That impressed me with its beauty. That appeared to me quite nice, (tahúm-to be or become nice, beautiful). Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. I am disgusted with him. He is abominable to me. (lás-ay-to be or become insipid). Nagin-otán akó. I feel it sultry. (gínot-to be or become sultry). Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This dress (jacket)-looks black to me,-is too black for me. (itúm-to be or become black), etc.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of-an. "Naadlawán akó"-to quote only one example-means: "Full daylight was (came) upon me". But in connection with what may precede or follow this phrase can be translated in various ways, e.g. "I stayed till (late in the) morning". "I continued to do something without interruption till the sun stood high in the heavens". "I arrived in bright daylight (and came-too late,-too soon,-in time)". "I passed part of the day, or a full day", etc. Hence the translations given in this dictionary are not exclusive of other versions.
Deed, work, performance, act, action; to do, make, perform, accomplish, execute, fashion, turn out. Buháti akó sing delárgo, baúl, binangón, etc. Make me a pair of trousers, a trunk, a bolo, etc. Ibúhat mo akó sing kálò. Kindly make a hat for me. Iníng lugár, konó, pagabuhátan níla sing isá ka dakû nga baláy. In this spot, it is said, they are going to build a large house. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ?-Akó amó ang nagbúhat.-Ngáa man nga ginbúhat mo? Who did that?-I did it.-Why did you do it? Usisáon mo sing maáyo ang mga binuhátan sináng táo. Inquire well into the doings of that man. Iníng mga káhoy ibúhat ko sa ákon baláy. These trees I'll make use of to build myself a house. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don't do that. (see hímò, túga). Figuratively: Búhat na kon ginapaúlan ka sang ságad língkod. Stand up and move about, if you are getting cramped from sitting long.
Deed, action, performance, doings; result, effect, issue, event; possibility of performance. Inâ walâ gid man sing kahimoán. That comes (came) to nothing,-cannot (could not) be done,-is (was) of no effect. (see hímò).
(Sp. obra) Work, labour, job, task; to work, fashion, turn out, labour, make. Obra kamó. Go to work. Set to work. Anó ang ginaóbra mo dirí? What are you doing (engaged in) here? Obrahá sing maáyo kon anó ang ímo olobráhon. Do well whatever you have to do. (see búhat, hímò, pangabúdlay, pangóbra, pamúgon).
(Sp. obra) Work, labour, job, task; to work, fashion, turn out, labour, make. Obra kamó. Go to work. Set to work. Anó ang ginaóbra mo dirí? What are you doing (engaged in) here? Obrahá sing maáyo kon anó ang ímo olobráhon. Do well whatever you have to do. (see búhat, hímò, pangabúdlay, pangóbra, pamúgon).
Dim. and Freq. of ómoy and more used than the simple ómoy.
-on, A suffix very frequently used in Visayan to form:
1) adjectives, e.g. kibúlon, kíblon from kíbul; dugoón from dugô, etc. maluyagón from lúyag; matinahúron from táhud, etc. (see ma-, -in-).
2) nouns, e.g. kapisanón from písan; kalaparón from lápad, etc. etc. N.B. The difference between the simple ka-forms and the ka--on-forms lies in this that the former denote abstract nouns and can be used also for the formation of an exclamatory superlative that corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!", whilst the latter denote nouns in the concrete or as applied to a particular case, e.g. Kalápad siníng palangúmhan! How large this farm is! Ang kalaparón siníng palangúmhan kapín sa tátlo ka ektárea. The size (extent) of this farm is more than three hectares. (see ka-, -an).
3) the so-called (future) passive in-on. Generally speaking the passive in-on is used with verbs that denote a direct action on an object, an action that produces some change on, or modifies, the object, e.g. búhat (to make); hímò (to do); hímos (to prepare, get ready); dágdag (to drop, let fall); hákwat (to lift up); útud (to sever); bíal (to split); gulút (to cut); támpà (to slap); súmbag (to box); gísì (to tear); tábug (to drive away), etc. etc. (see -an, i-).
4) In connection with denominations of money-on adds the meaning: of the value of, a coin (banknote, bill, etc.) of the value of, e.g. diesón-a ten-centavo coin; pisitasón-a twenty-centavo piece; pisosón-coin (note) of the value of a peso, etc.
Dim. and Freq. of ómoy and more used than the simple ómoy.
-on, A suffix very frequently used in Visayan to form:
1) adjectives, e.g. kibúlon, kíblon from kíbul; dugoón from dugô, etc. maluyagón from lúyag; matinahúron from táhud, etc. (see ma-, -in-).
2) nouns, e.g. kapisanón from písan; kalaparón from lápad, etc. etc. N.B. The difference between the simple ka-forms and the ka--on-forms lies in this that the former denote abstract nouns and can be used also for the formation of an exclamatory superlative that corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!", whilst the latter denote nouns in the concrete or as applied to a particular case, e.g. Kalápad siníng palangúmhan! How large this farm is! Ang kalaparón siníng palangúmhan kapín sa tátlo ka ektárea. The size (extent) of this farm is more than three hectares. (see ka-, -an).
3) the so-called (future) passive in-on. Generally speaking the passive in-on is used with verbs that denote a direct action on an object, an action that produces some change on, or modifies, the object, e.g. búhat (to make); hímò (to do); hímos (to prepare, get ready); dágdag (to drop, let fall); hákwat (to lift up); útud (to sever); bíal (to split); gulút (to cut); támpà (to slap); súmbag (to box); gísì (to tear); tábug (to drive away), etc. etc. (see -an, i-).
4) In connection with denominations of money-on adds the meaning: of the value of, a coin (banknote, bill, etc.) of the value of, e.g. diesón-a ten-centavo coin; pisitasón-a twenty-centavo piece; pisosón-coin (note) of the value of a peso, etc.
To erect, establish, set up, found, promote, build, make, create, form. Sín-o ang nagtúkud sináng kumbuyahán? Who promoted (formed) that company? Ang Sánta Iglésya tinúkud ni Hesukrísto. The Church was founded by Jesus Christ. Ang ámon bánwa natúkdan (natukúran) na man sing sangá sang amó nga palatikángan. A branch of that business firm has been established also in our town. (see pátok, pásad, hímò, búhat, túga, palatúkdan, palatukurán).
To obey, fulfill, carry out, execute, perform, comply with, effect, achieve, accomplish. Walâ níya pagtumána ang sinógò ko sa íya. He did not comply with the order I gave him. Magtúman ka kon sogóon ikáw. Do what you are told. Obey when you are ordered. Gintúman gid níya ang íya tinúg-an sádto. He actually accomplished what he had promised to do. Buút níla ipatúman sa áton yanáng mabúg-at ngga mga tulumanón. They want us to carry out those difficult orders. (see búhat, hímò, dayón, tarús, páti which in (B) often has the meaning of: to obey).
To get ready, prepare, see to, look after, make arrangements for, get in shape. Himósa ang panyága, ang kasangkápan, ang mga tulún-an, etc. Get dinner ready, see to the equipment or tools, look after the books, etc. Himósi akó sing panihápon. Prepare supper for me. Ihímos akó sang ákon hulút. Put my room in order. (see híko, híwat).
Plentiful, in full bloom or swing, flourishing, in the pink of condition; to thrive, flourish, prosper, run well, be in full bloom or swing, make progress, be prosperous. Nagahimosagâ ang íya edád. He is in his prime. Nagahimosagâ ang íya nga komérsyo, pangabúhì, palangitán-an, etc. His business is running well, his life is prosperous, he earns much, etc. Nagahimosagâ na liwán ang pangolerá. Cholera is again on the increase-or-causing great havoc. Naghimosagâ ang íya nga kapaláran. His condition was prosperous-or-Fate smiled on him. (see hamungáyà, dagáyà, bugánà, abúnda, etc.).
Glad, pleased, content on account of some accession of help. Hirihímo akó kay dirí na ikáw. I am glad that you are here (to help me). Hirihímo akó kay naghánggud ka na kag saráng ka makabúlig sa ákon. I am pleased that you are now grown up and able to help me.
Freq. of hímos. To prepare, get ready, provide, see to beforehand, make arrangements for; preparation, previous arrangement, provision.
To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).
My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon-me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into me. Ang ákon kálò. My hat. Akon iní nga baláy. This house is mine, -belongs to me. Yanâ nga umá ákon gid. That field is my own, -belongs to me alone. Dílì ákon iní nga tulún-an. This book is not mine or does not belong to me. Akon ginhímò iní. This was done by me, I did it. Akon siá pagaluasón. Through me he will get free, I will free him. Walâ siá paghigúgma sa ákon. He has no love for me, does not love me at all. Kon sa ákon lang walâ akó sing kabilinggan. As far as I am concerned I have nothing against it. Nagapalapít siá sa ákon. He is coming towards me, is approaching me. Sa dak-ú nga katístis ginhímò níya iní sa ákon. He did this to me very maliciously. Kútub sang paghalín níya dirí sa ákon túbtub nián walâ ko siá makítà. Since he went away from me until now I have not seen him. Sa ákon bántà índì na siá magbálik sa ákon. In my opinion he will not return to me any more. Kon kís-a dumángat sa ákon ang masubô nga panghunâhúna--. Now and then sad reflections come upon me--. (see nákon, ko, ímo, nímo, mo, íya, níya, ámon, námon, áton, náton, ta, ínyo, nínyo, íla, níla).
N.B. The difference between the use of "ákon" and "nákon, ko" is as follows:
1) in the meaning of a possessive pronoun "ákon" is put before and "nákon, ko" are put after the word they respectively qualify, e.g. Ang ákon idô. Ang idô nákon (ko). My dog. Ang ákon amáy tigúlang na. Ang amay nákon (ko) tigúlang na. My father is now old.
2) in the meaning of a predicative adjective "ákon" is always used and never "nákon" or "ko". Akon iní nga pínggan or Iní nga pínggan ákon. This plate is mine, belongs to me. Dilì ákon iní nga páhò or Iní nga páhò dílì ákon. This mango is not mine, does not belong to me.
3) in the meaning of a personal pronoun with the preposition "s", "ákon" is used exclusively and never "nákon" or "ko" e.g. Ginhátag níya inâ sa ákon. He gave that to me. Nagsúmbag siá sa ákon. He hit (boxed) me.
4) in the meaning of "by me, through me" as a personal agent "ákon" always stands before the verb and can only be used, if the verb is not negatived. Akon ginbúhat iní. This was done by me. Sa waláy duhádúha ákon siá pagaduáwon. Of course, he will be visited by me i.e. I will pay him a visit. Dílì balá matúod nga ákon siá nabayáran? Isn't it true, that he was paid by me i.e. that I paid him? "Nákon" and "ko", if employed in such sentences, take their place invariably after the verb: Ginbúhat ko (nákon) iní. Sa ualáy duhádúha pagaduáwon ko (nákon) siá. Dílì balá matúod nga nabayáran ko (nákon) siá?
But if the verb is negatived "ákon" cannot be used; "nákon" or "ko" must then be employed and be placed between the negative adverb and the verb: Walâ ko (nákon) pagbuháta iní. This was not done by me. Dílì ko (nákon) malipatán iní. I cannot forget it. Indì ko (nákon) malíngkang iníng bató, kay mabúg-at gid. I cannot move this stone, for it is very heavy. Indì pa nákon (índì ko pa) mapúy-an ang bág-o ko nga baláy, kay walâ ko pa (ualâ pa nákon) pagbutangí sing mga galamitón nga kinahánglan. I cannot live in my new house yet, because I have not yet put in the necessary furniture. Walâ ko (nákon) siá pagagdahá kag índì man nákon (índì ko man) siá pagagdahón, kay maláin siá sing pamatásan. I neither invited him nor will I invite him, because he has vicious habits.
5) in sentences where the verb is preceded by a quasi-auxiliary or by adverbs of time or place like "saráng, buót, diín, dirí, dirâ, sán-o pa, etc." "nákon" or "ko" should be used before the verb, even if the latter is not negatived, e.g. Saráng ko mabúhat iní. I can do it. Buót ko ímnon iníng bino. I wish or like to drink this wine. Sán-o ko pa (sán-o pa nákon) mapatíndog ang bág-o nga baláy? When shall I be able to build the new house? Diín ko (nákon) makítà ang kwárta? Where can I find the money?
The foregoing examples and rules are applicable to all personal and possessive pronouns, "ímo, íya, ámon, áton, ínyo, íla" following "ákon" and "nímo, mo, níya, námon, náton, ta, nínyo, níla" following "nákon, ko".
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