Search result(s) - híwat



To prepare, make or get ready, take steps or make arrangements for; to grow up, develop, advance. See híkot, hímos. Hiwáta, hiwáti-hikóta, hikóti).



(Sp. alistar) Ready, prepared, fit for, equipped; to prepare, get ready. Alisto na kamí sa paglakát. We are now ready to march. Kon alísto na kamó nga tanán, malakát na kitá. If you are all ready, we will go now. Alistohá ang mga dalál-on (dalálhon). Get ready the things to be taken along or to be brought along. Alistohí kamí sing balónon. Make ready for us some provisions for the journey. Ialísto ko pa ang ákon maléta, kay dálhon ko sa buás. I am going to get my hand-bag ready, for I'll take it along tomorrow. (see hímos, híkot, híwat, áman).



To prepare, get-, make-, ready, make preparations for. Magáman ka sa paglakát. Get ready for the march. Nagáman ka na sa pagkonpesár? Have you prepared for confession? Mangáman ka! Be prepared! Be careful! Beware! Amána ang ákon higdáan. Make my bed. Amáni akó sing pagkáon. Prepare me some food. Naáman na ang tanán. Everything is ready. Iáman ko iníng hábul sa bisíta. I am going to prepare this blanket for the visitor. (see hímos, híkot, híwat).



(Perhaps from the Sp. deparar) To attend to, see to, look after, pay attention to, take notice of; make arrangements or preparations for. Walâ siá magdipára sinâ or walâ níya pagdiparáha inâ. He has not attended to it, has made no arrangements or preparations for it. Diparáha sing maáyo ang íya guyá kon kilála mo ukón índì. Look well at his face to see whether you know him or not. (see ripára, tátap, túluk, hímos, híwat).



To prepare, get ready, make arrangements, take previous measures to secure a certain result, bring about. Anó ang ímo nga ginahíkot? What arrangements are you making? Hikóta ang panyága, baíle, píknik, etc. Get dinner ready, make arrangements for the dance, the picnic, etc. Hikóti akó sing ísdà. Get some fish ready for me. Ihíkot akó sang ákon maléta. Please prepare my suitcase. Sín-o ang naghíkot siníng mga puní? Who arranged these decorations? (see híwat, hímos).



(H) Preparations, things to be made ready. (see híwat, hilimosón, hilikotón).



To get ready, prepare, see to, look after, make arrangements for, get in shape. Himósa ang panyága, ang kasangkápan, ang mga tulún-an, etc. Get dinner ready, see to the equipment or tools, look after the books, etc. Himósi akó sing panihápon. Prepare supper for me. Ihímos akó sang ákon hulút. Put my room in order. (see híko, híwat).



To arrange, dispose, marshal, array, regulate, put in order; prepare well, drill, make ship-shape. Kalagínga ang mga tulún-an, bánkò, láta, botílya, etc. Set in order the books, benches, tins, bottles, etc. Kinalagíngan akó níya sang mga galamitón sang ákon balatonán. He arranged for me the furniture of my reception room. Ginkaláging sang mananábang sing maáyo ang mga sáksi. The lawyer drilled (prepared) the witnesses well. (see káging, húsay, hímos, áman, híwat).



To manage or arrange things well for oneself, know how to get results, gain one's point or the like. Maáyo siá maglíkis-or-sing líkis. He is an adept at arranging things well. He knows how to get results. He is very resourceful in whatever he undertakes. (see hímos, híwat, lísto, ábtik, etc.).



(Sp. reparar) To attend to, notice, bestow care upon, provide well, prepare or make ready what is needed. Riparáha ang mga bisíta. See to the visitors, attend upon the visitors. Ginripára mo na ang tanán nga mga kinahánglan sa kosína? Have you got ready everything needed for the kitchen? A, walâ níya pagriparáha. Why, he did nothing, he neglected everything. (see hímos, híwat, tátap, híkot, búhat, dipára).



(Sp. celebrar) To celebrate. Selebrahá gid ang kaadláwan ni tátay. Celebrate father's birthday without fail. Ang pándut dídto naselebrár sa dakû nga kasádya. The feast there was celebrated with great solemnity (pomp). (see pahimánsag, híwat).



Reserved, laid up, ready, provided, seen to, in preparation, in readiness, kept in reserve for; to get ready, make-ready,-preparation, provide for, see to, keep in-reserve,-readiness for, lay up, retain, hold over to. Mabakál akó sing isá ka búgsò nga kárne nga itigána (pagaitigána) sa panyága. I shall buy a piece of meat in preparation for dinner. Nagtigána siá sa ákon sing madámù nga mga páhò. Gintigán-an (Gintigánhan, gintiganáhan) akó níya sing madámù nga mga páhò. He got many mangoes ready for me. Tigán-i (Tigánhi, tiganáhi) silá sing kán-on. Prepare rice for them. Itigána sa ákon ang pagkáon. Get ready something for me to eat. Keep some food in reserve for me. Natigána (Naáman, nahándà) na balá ang tanán nga mga kinahánglan sa pándut? Is everything ready for the feast? Tigánhan mo silá sang íla nga kinahánglan. See to their needs. Get (Make) ready what they want. (see hímos, híwat, híkot, tigáyon, áman, hándà).



Meet, fit, apt, proper, suitable, advisable; to bring about, get done, procure, provide, see to, arrange. Dílì inâ tigáyon sa--. That is not proper or fit for--. That is not the right method (way, means) to--. Kon matigáyon mo ang ákon ginakinahánglan sa ímo pagapasalamátan ko ikáw sing dakû. If you can procure for me what I need I shall be very grateful to you. (see patigáyon, híkot, hímos, híwat, áman, tigána, ígò, ángay, síbò, dápat, takús).



Dim. and Freq. of índis. Paindísindisán nínyo ang relóh nga igaprémyo sa magadaúg. Compete for the watch to be given as a prize to the winner. Ginhíwat níla ang isá ka paindísíndis sa dúmug. They got up a wrestling contest.



Dim. and Freq. of índis. Paindísindisán nínyo ang relóh nga igaprémyo sa magadaúg. Compete for the watch to be given as a prize to the winner. Ginhíwat níla ang isá ka paindísíndis sa dúmug. They got up a wrestling contest.



To gladden, cheer, rejoice, delight, give joy or pleasure to, console, solace, comfort, animate, raise the spirits. Nagalípay sa ákon sing dakû iníng sulát ni nánay. Mother's letter gives me great pleasure. Ginkalipáyan ko gid ang pagabút mo dirí sa ámon. I am glad that you have come here to us. Dílì mo igkalípay ang mga kalisúd sang ímo isigkatáo. Don't gloat over-or-take pleasure in, the troubles of your fellow-men. Walâ nákon pagkalipáyi ang pagtámbong dídto sa nahíwat nga sáut. I did not enjoy taking part in the dance that was arranged there. Lipáya ang útud mo. Cheer up your brother. Nagakalípay akó. I am glad. (see sádya, lúyag, wíli, bangá, lingáw, etc.).



With "kon diín", "kon sa diín", or the like, "pa" has the meaning of "anywhere", "anywhere else". Ambót kon sa diín siá nagkádto, kon sa umá ukón sa diín pa. I don't know where he has gone to, whether to his farm or somewhere (anywhere) else. Ang íla kasál pagahiwáton dílì kon sa diín pa, kóndì dirâ na gid lámang sa bánwa nga íla nataóhan. Their marriage will take place not anywhere else, but in their native town.



Feast, festival, solemnity, celebration, Feast of the Patron-Saint of a parish or town. Hiwáton níla, kunó, ang íla pándut sa--. They are going to celebrate their feast, it is said, on--.



Freq. of kusúg. To make great efforts, exert oneself, strive, apply force, show strength; to grow stiff. Nagapangusúg siá sa paghíwat sang amó nga kasadyáhan. He is making great efforts in preparation for that solemnity, festivity, rejoicing. (see palangusúg).



(H) Orderless, unmethodical, unsystematic, in disorder, without order, wanting coordination; to be in disorder, deranged, disarranged, without a plan, without organized or concerted action. Nagsalangiság ang paghíwat sang mga hilikotón sang íla piésta. There was no organized effort made to prepare for their feast-day.