Search result(s) - kúhà



(H) To take, take-away,-from,-away from,-off, remove, fetch, seize, abduct, subtract; gain, get. Kuháa iníng mga pínggan sa lamésa. Take these plates off the table. Kuháon mo ang ákon kálò sa kwárto kag dálhon dirí. Fetch my hat from the room and bring it here. Ginkuháan-or-kinuháan akó níya sing tátlo ka písos. He took three pesos from me. Kuhái iníng tabungós sing ápat ka gántang. Take five gantas out of this rice-basket. Anó gid man nga kapuslánan ang saráng náton makúhà sinâ? What advantage can we gain from that? What is the use of it? (see buúl).



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



(B) To take, fetch, bring, carry away, take along with. Búl-a ang pílak. Take the money. Sín-o ang nagbuúl sang pínggan? Who took away the plate? Búl-i akó sing túbig. Bring me some water. Búl-i ang alhíbi sing túbig. Take some water from the tank. Ginbúlan or binúl-an akó níla sing humáy. They took some rice from me. Indì ka magbuúl sinâ kon waláy túgut sang tagíya. Don't take that without permission of the owner. Ibuúl mo akó dídto sang ákon pinutús. Kindly fetch me my parcel from there. (see kúhà).



To wear out by constant use, etc. See dagumák, saguláy, sarabóg. Also: To take without ceremony, make use of another man's property without his permission. (see lámang, lábni, kúhà, buúl).



To take or use something that belongs to another with the intention of giving it back. (Only used amongst friends). Gingórdo lang níya ang ákon páypay. She merely borrowed my fan. Indì mo paggordohón ang íya sang ibán. Don't take what belongs to others. (see ángkon, kúhà, buúl, karipón, lámang, lábni, gulámni, kulámi).



To seize-, grasp-, take-, grab-, much of, be eager to get, scramble or make for, make a run at, struggle to obtain, rush upon. Ginhábwà lang níla ang kárne sa ilihawán, ang humáy sa alányan, etc. They rushed upon the meat at the butcher's, upon the rice in the harvest-field, etc. Indì kamó maghábwà sang tinápay-or-índì nínyo paghabwaón ang tinápay. Don't make such a scramble for the bread. Diín siá nakahábwà sing pílak kay manggaránon siá karón? Where did he pick up the money, for he is rich now? (see káka, kúhà, ágaw, típon, karipón).

háwas, háw-as


To take out or off, deliver from, extract, remove, extricate, set free. Hawasá ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa balatonán kag lampasóhan mo sing maáyo ang salúg. Remove all furniture from the reception room and mop the floor well. Sín-o ang nagháwas sang mga líbro sa látok? Who took the books off the table? Ila siá ginháwas sa kalisúd. They delivered him from difficulties. Hawasí (iháwas) akó sang ákon maléta nga árà sa hulút, kag dálhon mo dirí. Kindly get for me my suitcase there in the room, and bring it here. (see kúhà, luás).



(H) Efforts, endeavour, desire, aspiration; worthy an effort, desirable, worthy to be striven for. (see kúhà, tingúhà).

hingúhà, hinguhâ


To try earnestly, make great efforts, seek to obtain. (see kúhà, tingúhà, paningúhà, panikasúg, pamurúg-ot, himúd-os, etc.).



To take or grasp all, appropriate the whole amount, seize greedily everything to be had without consideration for others. Indì ka maghugákom sang tanán nga tabákò, ságing, etc. Don't take all the cigars, bananas, etc. (but have some consideration for others). Hugakóma lang ang tanán. Just grasp everything. Take it all. (see kayába, ángkon, kúhà, guráput, kapút, kápyot).



To take off a peg, seize, snatch. Maghukás ka sang (hukasá or húksa ang) báyò sa salab-ítan. Take the jacket off the peg. Húksa ang síngkaw sa líog sang karabáw. Take the yoke off the buffalo's neck. Ihukás akó ánay sang síya sang kabáyo. Please unsaddle the horse (for me). Nahukás (nákhas) ang tokó. The supporting (upright) beam gave way, (became loose or fell down). (see húklas, kúhà).



(Sp. caber) To win and take the stake, be entitled to get, grasp. Kabíha lang ang tanán. Just take all. Ginkábi níya ang isá ka tungâ sang patád. He won and took half the stake. Kabíhi siá sing duhá ka dakû sang patád. Two centavos from the stake go to him. Ikábi akó ánay sing tátlo ka sentimós. Hand over to me three centavos from the stake. (see kúhà, buúl, káka, bútong).



To abstract, purloin, filch, pinch, pilfer, steal, (see tíkas, takáb, tákaw, káwat, káwtì, kúhà).



(Sp. quitar) To remove, take away, separate, put aside. Sang pagísip níla sang mga ságing nga íla baláklon ginkitár níla ang mga sinipî nga magágmay. When they counted the bananas they were going to buy, they put the small clusters apart. (see kúhà, bulág, báhin).



(H) Dim. and Freq. of kúhà.



(B) Fool, ass, simpleton. (see kolôkolô, etc.).



To sneak, to take away by stealth, filch, purloin, appropriate secretly. Sín-o ang nagkulámi sang ákon líbro? Who took away my book? Kinulámi níya ang ákon kálò, bastón, etc. He took away my hat, stick, etc. Kulamíha lang iníng páyong. Just take this umbrella. Ginkulamíhan akó níya sang ákon báyò. He took away (appropriated) my jacket. (see kúhà).



(B) To take from, deduct, subtract. Ginkúypi na (níya) ang napúlò ka sentimós. He subtracted (took, stole) ten centavos. (see búhin, kúhà, lábni, lámang).



To take, seize, appropriate. Ginlábni níya ang ákon líbro, káy dúmdum níya nga íya. He took my book, thinking it was his. Nakalábni siá sang lápis. He seized the pencil. (see lábnit, sábnit, kúhà). N.B. Lábni has also at times the meaning of "lámang"-to take something by mistake thinking the object taken to be one's own.



To take, seize, appropriate (without the knowledge of the owner). (see lámang, kúhà, ángkon, lág-it).

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