Search result(s) - húklas



To tear away, take down, etc. Ginhúklas (ginhuklasán) níla ang punót. They cleared away or took down the fish-trap, i.e. removed the lág-i, etc. (see húblas).



To take off a peg, seize, snatch. Maghukás ka sang (hukasá or húksa ang) báyò sa salab-ítan. Take the jacket off the peg. Húksa ang síngkaw sa líog sang karabáw. Take the yoke off the buffalo's neck. Ihukás akó ánay sang síya sang kabáyo. Please unsaddle the horse (for me). Nahukás (nákhas) ang tokó. The supporting (upright) beam gave way, (became loose or fell down). (see húklas, kúhà).