Search result(s) - hingápus



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



To complete, finish, terminate, bring to a close, get through, make an end of, have done with (of planting, tilling, etc.). Makahíl-ob balá kamó sang ínyo tánum karón sa hápon? Shall you be able to finish your rice-planting this afternoon? Ginhíl-ob níla kaína ang íla talámnan. A short while ago they finished planting their fields. Mangabúdlay kamó sing mapísan, agúd mahíl-ob ang ákon talámnan sa karón nga ádlaw. Work hard, so that planting may come to an end on my field to-day. Híl-ob na ang tánum. Rice-planting is now finished and done with. (see tápus, hingápus).



Towards the end, near completion, nearly finished, almost complete; extreme, consummate; to be nearly finished, etc. (see tápus, talipuspusón, hingapús).



To reach the goal, terminate, complete, finish, get ready, dispatch. Saráng ka makahingágaw dirí sa las dóse? Can you be here at twelve o'clock? Hingagáwon mo ang ákon talahíon sa buás. Finish (or dispatch) my sewing to-morrow. Ginhingágaw níya ang baláy sa walâ magulán. He reached home before it rained. Hingagáwa ang koríyo. Try to reach the mail (i.e. be there when the mail comes in). Makahingágaw ka balá siní túbtub karón sa hápon? Do you think you can finish it this evening? (see ágaw, tápus, hingápus).

To end, finish, complete, terminate, conclude. Makahingápus ka sang kodál túbtub maghápon? Can you finish the fence by this evening? Hingapúsa ang ímo sulát, diskúrso, etc. Finish your letter, discourse, etc. Hingapúsi na akó sang ákon mga sapátos, kay dúgay na man ang paghulát ko. Please finish the boots for me, because I have been waiting for them a long time. Ihingápus akó ánay sang atóp sang baláy. Please finish first the roof of the house for me. (see tápus, hingágaw).



Put an end to, get ready, complete, finish. Ginahingumán na níya ang íya baláy. He is now finishing the building of his house. (see humán, hingápus, hinggágaw).



To cut off, finish, end, terminate, complete. Nagahingutás ang íya kabúhì. His life is coming to an end, (is ebbing away). Ginahingutás na níya ang ákon háblon. She is now finishing the weaving of my cloth. Hingutasí akó sa madalî nga saráng mahímò sing tátlo ka bára sang ákon delargóhon, kay may kinahánglan akó nga dakû. Finish for me quickly (as quickly as possible) the weaving of three yards of cloth for my trousers, for I am much in need of it. (see utás, hingágaw, hingápus, hingumán).



To commit suicide, hang oneself; suicide. (see hingápus, híkog).



Freq. of sígput-to end, complete, finish; pick up all the particles left, gather the remnants of. Ginpanígput níla ang mga kán-on nga nagdokót sa túbò. They gathered (with their fingers) the rice sticking to the bamboo plate. (see hingápus, pamíngkong).



The end, termination, completion, last touch, finish. (see tápus, katapúsan).



See hilingapusón id.

The end, etc. See hingapusán, hingapusón.