Search result(s) - páti



Together with, equally, at the same time, both, including both, as well as, and. Ang nagakaígò nga pangabúdlay maáyo sa láwas páti kalág. Suitable labour is good for both body and soul. Ang bánwa páti ang íya sinâ nga pumulúyò. The town and its inhabitants, the town as well as its inhabitants. Ikáw páti ang ímo anák. You together with your son. (see kag).



To believe, assent, credit, give credence to, give credit to, be more or less persuaded of the truth of a statement or fact. Patíha akó. Believe me. Indì ka magpáti sináng mga butáng. Don't believe those things. Walâ níya pagpatíha ang sinúgid ni Fuláno. He did not give credence (He gave no credit) to what was said by N.N. Buút níla ipapáti sa áton nga--. They want us to believe that--. (see tóo).



Also (especially in (B)): to obey, be obedient.



(Sp. amparar) Help, assistance; to help, assist, lend a hand. Ampayóhi siá sa íya mga buluhatón. Help him in his work. Iníng káro páti karabáw iampáyo ko sa íya sa paghákot sing bató. I will assist him to carry stones with this cart and buffalo. Paampayóha sa íya ang ímo sologoón. Let your servant help him or lend him a hand. (see búlig).



To bite off a piece, to eat by snaps and snatches, to devour fruit greedily without taking the trouble of peeling it beforehand, etc. Ap-apá lang ang páhò páti bákal. Just devour the mango together with its stone by biting off a small bit at a time. Ap-apí sing diótay ang tinápay. Take a small bite out of the bread. Indì ka magáp-ap (mangáp-ap) sang ímo ginakáon súbung sang isá ka idô. Don't snap at your food like a dog. (see áb-ab, ikíb, ínkib, kíbkib, etc.).



Opium. Indì ka magyúpyup sang apián, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti kalág. Don't smoke (literally "suck in") opium, for it is bad for body and soul. Manugsiò sang apián. An opium-smoker, opium-eater. (see apyán id.).



Decoration, embellishment, adornment, finery, trinket, jewel, jewelry, jewellery; to adorn, decorate, embellish, array, beautify, clothe with more than ordinary elegance. Sín-o ang naghiás sang altár nga mayór? Who decorated the High-Altar? Sín-o ang magahiás sang laráwan ni María Santísima? Who will decorate the Statute of the Blessed Virgin? Nahiasán siá sing buláwan kag madámù nga mga bató nga maídlak. She was adorned with gold and many glittering stones. Ihiás mo sa íya iníng kadéna páti medálya nga buláwan. Put this chain and gold medal on her as an adornment. Ginhiasán níla ang nóbya sing madámù nga mga aláhas. They decked out the bride with many jewels. (see puní).



To demolish, exterminate, destroy, annihilate. Laglagá silá nga tanán. Exterminate them all. Iláglag iníng agás sa mga ánay. Use this kerosene to destroy the termites. Amó iní ang kalóg nga linaglagán níla sang mga lúkso. This is the ditch in which they destroyed the young locusts. Ginláglag sang mga buyóng ang búg-os nga minurô páti ang íya sinâ nga mga pumulúyò. The brigands destroyed the whole village with its inhabitants. (see búngkag, gubâ, pápas).



Winged, having wings, full-grown (especially said of locusts). Ang apán, lúkso páti lupád, madámol na liwán dídto sa talúnan. Locusts, hoppers as well as full-grown specimens, are now plentiful again there in the forests.



Credulous, gullible, easily believing any story or report, easily taken in. (páti).



Credulous, gullible, unsuspecting, easily deceived or tricked. (see páti, mapatípatíhon).



(H) Meriting belief, reasonable, probable, well-founded, likely, believable, reliable, trustworthy, plausible, credible, worthy of credit, credence or belief. (see páti).



Freq. of páti-to believe, etc.



To expose oneself to heat, especially to the heat of the sun. Indì ka magpatí-al. Don't expose yourself to the sun. (see patígì).



To believe, credit, give credit or credence to, accept as true, assent to. Tinmotóo akó. I believe. "Ang Tinmotóo akó". "The Creed". Indì ka magtóo sinâ. Don't believe that (it). Toóhan mo gid ang tanán nga ginapapagtóo sang Sánta Iglésya. Believe everything what the Church commands to be believed. Buút níla ipatóo (ipapagtóo) sa áton--. They want us to believe--. Ang pagtóo. Faith. Sa buhî nga pagtóo. With a strong (living) faith. (see páti).



To bow down very low, bend one's back; to obey, follow, do what another tells; to turn one's back upon; acknowledge one's guilt or fault, confess, own to. (see tuwád id.; konpesár, páti, túman).



To obey, fulfill, carry out, execute, perform, comply with, effect, achieve, accomplish. Walâ níya pagtumána ang sinógò ko sa íya. He did not comply with the order I gave him. Magtúman ka kon sogóon ikáw. Do what you are told. Obey when you are ordered. Gintúman gid níya ang íya tinúg-an sádto. He actually accomplished what he had promised to do. Buút níla ipatúman sa áton yanáng mabúg-at ngga mga tulumanón. They want us to carry out those difficult orders. (see búhat, hímò, dayón, tarús, páti which in (B) often has the meaning of: to obey).



A whiff of smoke, of opium, etc.; to inhale, suck in, imbibe. Isá ka yúpyup sang asó sang tabákò. A whiff of tobacco smoke. Palayúpyup siá sang ápyan (apyán). He is an opium smoker. Indì kamó magyúpyup sing ápyan, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti sa kalág. Don't smoke opium, because it is bad both for body and soul. (see súyup, sópsop).



(Sp. antipático) Repugnant, repulsive, antipathetic.



(Sp. antipatia) Antipathy, repugnance, aversion. (see kalásay, kataká, kasíb-ot, agutílò, gulut-ánon, aligótgot).

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