Search result(s) - pápas



To ruin, destroy, demolish utterly, extirpate, get rid of. Papása ang mga ságing sa pamulákan. Get rid of the bananas in the flower-garden. Ginpápas sang kaláyo ang baláy. The fire consumed the house utterly. Napapásan iníng lugár sang mga lubí. The coconuts in this place were utterly destroyed.



To beat down, cut down, assault, attack. (see papák, pápas).



To perish, disappear. Nagakapáas na ang mga talonón sa talónan. The wild pigs are disappearing from the forests. Tungúd sang madámù nga mga mangangáyam nagkapáas na ang talonón sa sinâ nga búkid. On account of the great number of hunters the wild pigs have now ceased to exist on that mountain. (see pápas, púas, pánas).



To demolish, exterminate, destroy, annihilate. Laglagá silá nga tanán. Exterminate them all. Iláglag iníng agás sa mga ánay. Use this kerosene to destroy the termites. Amó iní ang kalóg nga linaglagán níla sang mga lúkso. This is the ditch in which they destroyed the young locusts. Ginláglag sang mga buyóng ang búg-os nga minurô páti ang íya sinâ nga mga pumulúyò. The brigands destroyed the whole village with its inhabitants. (see búngkag, gubâ, pápas).



Freq. of pápas-to destroy, exterminate, etc.



Freq. of papás-to beat or strike down; to attack, assault.



To carry-, bear-, on the shoulders, to shoulder, undergo. Pas-aná lang iníng kawáyan. Carry this bamboo on your shoulder. Papas-aná (Papas-aní) ang bátà sing káhoy. Let the boy carry some wood on his shoulders. Si Hesús nagpás-an sang mabúg-at nga krus. Jesus bore (carried) the heavy cross. (see dalá, pangabága, ántus, batás).



(B) Freq. and Caus. of másaw-to feast, eat well, etc. Namásaw silá dídto sa bádù. They ate well (there) at the banquet. Pamasáwa ang mga bátà. Let the children eat to their heart's content. (see pamáskwa, kánkan, paáyaw, papáskwa the Caus. of páskwa).



(Sp. pasar) To pass, go by or through, be successful in an examination, etc. Nakapasár siá sa eksámen-or-napasarán níya ang eksámen. He passed the examination. Papasará-or-papasahá siá sa eksámen. Let him pass the examination. Indì ka makapasár dirâ, kay masíot gid ang dálan. You cannot get through there, for the road is densely overgrown. Daw sa índì siá makapasár, kay matámad siá magtoón. He will scarcely be able to pass, because he is so lazy at his lesson. (see ági, lubás, lígad, luás).



(H) To shelter (intransitive), to take-, seek-, find-, shelter,-refuge,-cover,-protection (against rain, the heat of the sun, etc.). Pasílong (mapasílong) kitá ánay, kay nagaulán. Let us take shelter, for it is raining. Papasilónga siá sa ímo páyong. Let him stand under your umbrella. Ipasílong ang karabáw sa idálum sang páhò. Put the buffalo under the mango tree for shelter. Shelter the buffalo under the mango tree. (see sílong).



Consideration, thoughtful regard for, appreciation of conditions or circumstances; to be considerate, have proper regard or appreciation for. Talamáyon ang táo nga walâ sing pasunáid kag patugsíling sa íya isigkaparého. Contemptible is the man that has no consideration and regard for his neighbour. Pasunaíra ang makaloló-oy nga kahimtángan níya. Have some consideration for his wretched condition. Papasunaíron mo siá sang kaimolón sang sádto ánay ábyan níya. Let him consider the poverty of his former friend. (see patugsíling).



The form pasípraw is mostly used. (B) To see accidentally, happen to see, cast a glance upon, notice (by chance). Pasiprawí kang mga matá mo si Pédro nga dián sa ingód kang látok. (Pasiplatí sang ímo mga matá si Pédro nga árà dirâ sa luyó sang lamésa). Cast a glance on Peter who is by the side of the table. Ipapasípraw (Ipapasíplat) si Huán kay Hosé. Let José have a look at John. Papasiprawá (Papasiplatá) si Hosé kay Huán. Tell (Order) José to have a look at (catch a glimpse of) John. (see síplat, pasíplat).