Search result(s) - ántus



To bear, suffer, undergo. Magántus ka siní sing mapailúbon. Bear this patiently. Hántì kay ginhímò mo iní, antusá na man ang sílot. Well, as you did it, suffer the punishment now as well. Dì masáysay ang mga kasakít nga ginántus sang Aton Ginóo. The sufferings borne by Our Lord cannot be described. (see batás, agwánta).



(Sp. aguantar) To bear, tolerate, suffer, let pass, put up with. Dáw dílì na akó makaagwánta sinâ. I seem not to be able to bear it any longer. Anhon mo, kóndì magagwánta lang? What can you do, but suffer it patiently? Agwantahá lang! Just bear it with resignation! (see batás, ántus).



(H) Bearable, tolerable, supportable; to be suffered, tolerated, borne with. Dáw sa dílì na alantúson inâ. That is scarcely to be tolerated any longer. Ang íya balatían makúlì nga búlngon, ápang alantúson, kay dílì gid man mabúg-at ang íya pagbátì. His disease is difficult to cure, but it is bearable, for he is really not seriously affected. (see ántus, balatasón, palas-ánon).



To stand, bear, suffer, be able to endure (especially the smell of bad odours). Indì akó makaarángo sang kabahô sináng patáy nga idô-or-índì ko maarángo ang kabahô sináng patáy nga idô. I cannot stand the stench of that dead dog. (see batás, ántus, íro).



To bear, suffer; sustain, tolerate, put up with; stand. Makabatás ka sinâ? Can you stand that? Hántì, kay ginhímò mo inâ, batasá na man ang ígò nga sílot. Very well then, as you have done that, suffer now the fitting punishment. Ginbatás-or-binatás ko ang tanán nga kahuól. I bore all hardships. Indì na akó magbatás sang ínyo paggináhud dirí. I will not put up any longer with the noise you make. (see ántus, íro, agwánta).



To bear, suffer, etc. (see agwánta, batás, ántus, íro).



To stand, tolerate, brook, suffer, be able to bear. Indì akó makaíro magkáon sang katúmbal. I cannot eat chili. Indì na maíro inâ. That cannot be borne (tolerated) any longer. Kaíro ka magsínghot sináng búlak? Can you stand the smell of that flower? Indì ko maídwan (for mairóhan) iníng bahô. I cannot bear this stench. (see batás, ántus).



To stand, tolerate, brook, suffer, be able to bear. Indì akó makaíro magkáon sang katúmbal. I cannot eat chili. Indì na maíro inâ. That cannot be borne (tolerated) any longer. Kaíro ka magsínghot sináng búlak? Can you stand the smell of that flower? Indì ko maídwan (for mairóhan) iníng bahô. I cannot bear this stench. (see batás, ántus).



Patient, enduring, tolerant, inured, suffering, bearing, tolerating, sustaining. (see ántus).



Bearing, suffering affliction or hardship, undergoing with fortitude, patient, forbearant. (see ántus, mailúbon).



To bear patiently or humbly, to brook, suffer, stand, undergo, endure. Pailúba ang mga kalisúd, ang ímo balatían, etc. Bear difficulties, your illness, etc., patiently. Ginpaílub níya ang tanán sa dakû nga pagkamapainubúson. He bore everything very humbly. He bore it all with great humility. Pailúbi siá. Have patience with him. Bear with him. (see ílub, batás, ántus, íro).



To carry-, bear-, on the shoulders, to shoulder, undergo. Pas-aná lang iníng kawáyan. Carry this bamboo on your shoulder. Papas-aná (Papas-aní) ang bátà sing káhoy. Let the boy carry some wood on his shoulders. Si Hesús nagpás-an sang mabúg-at nga krus. Jesus bore (carried) the heavy cross. (see dalá, pangabága, ántus, batás).



To endure, bear, suffer undergo. Madámù nga mga kalisdánan ang ákon gintiís sa pagtúman sinâ. I bore many hardships in carrying out that order. (see batás, ílub, ántus).



(B) To endure, stand, can, be able to, brook, suffer, tolerate. Indì (tána) katukúd (makatukúd) magpánaw tódtod sa Gímbal, hay bág-o pa lang nagayád (magayád). (Indì siá saráng makalakát túbtub sa Gímbal, kay bág-o pa lang siá nagáyo (magáyo)). He is unable to go on foot as far as Guimbal, because he has only lately recovered from his illness. (see saráng, batás, ántus, íro).



(B) To suffer, stand, bear, have to, put up with, have to be content or satisfied with. Nagatupús lang kamí kang ginamús, hay warâ kamí ti ibakál kang ísdà nga láb-as. (Nagaagwánta lang kamí sang ginamús, kay walâ kamí sing ibakál sang láb-as (maáyo) nga ísdà). We have to eat salt fish, as we have no money to buy fresh fish. (see agwánta, batás, ántus, íro).



To stand, bear, suffer, eat, etc. something, by constraint or through the force of circumstances. Maupók kitá sang ugá, kay mahál ang ísdà nga láb-as. We have to content ourselves with eating dry fish, because fresh fish is too dear. (see batás, ántus, tupús).



To stand, bear, suffer, eat, etc. something, by constraint or through the force of circumstances. Maupók kitá sang ugá, kay mahál ang ísdà nga láb-as. We have to content ourselves with eating dry fish, because fresh fish is too dear. (see batás, ántus, tupús).



Patient, suffering, forbearing: bearing pain, trial or trouble without murmuring. (see batás, mapinailúbon, mainantúson).

hánti, hántì


Why, well, surely then, in consequence. Hánti, kay nahímò mo inâ, antusá na man ang sílot. Well, as you did that, now bear the punishment. Hánti, kay sohólan ikáw, magpangabúdlay ka na. Surely you should work now that you are being paid for it. (see sánglit).



Dim. and Freq. of húgnat. To do at intervals, on and off, by fits and starts, by spells, do something in alternate periods as working and resting, walking and riding, sleeping and waking, etc. Nagahugnáthúgnat silá sang íla pagarádo. They are doing their ploughing by fits and starts. Ginahugnáthúgnat lang níla ang íla paglakát. They took frequent rests during their walk. Hugnáthugnáta lang ang ímo trabáho, kon índì ka makaántus magpangabúdlay sing lángkoy. Work a bit and then rest awhile if you cannot stand working at a stretch.

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