Search result(s) - tupús



(B) To suffer, stand, bear, have to, put up with, have to be content or satisfied with. Nagatupús lang kamí kang ginamús, hay warâ kamí ti ibakál kang ísdà nga láb-as. (Nagaagwánta lang kamí sang ginamús, kay walâ kamí sing ibakál sang láb-as (maáyo) nga ísdà). We have to eat salt fish, as we have no money to buy fresh fish. (see agwánta, batás, ántus, íro).



To stand, bear, suffer, eat, etc. something, by constraint or through the force of circumstances. Maupók kitá sang ugá, kay mahál ang ísdà nga láb-as. We have to content ourselves with eating dry fish, because fresh fish is too dear. (see batás, ántus, tupús).



To stand, bear, suffer, eat, etc. something, by constraint or through the force of circumstances. Maupók kitá sang ugá, kay mahál ang ísdà nga láb-as. We have to content ourselves with eating dry fish, because fresh fish is too dear. (see batás, ántus, tupús).



To eat, take food, feed, fare, devour, despatch, mess. Kán-a iní. Eat this. Kán-i iní sing diótay. Eat a little of this. Pakán-a siá sing maáyo. Feed him well-or-Give him good food. Pakán-a siá sa pínggan. Let him eat off the plate. Pakán-i sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him eat some of these mangoes. Indì ka magkáon siníng búnga, kay línghod pa. Don't eat this fruit, for it is not ripe yet. Anó ang kináon mo? What kind of food did you take? Ipakáon ko sa íya iníng kabúgaw kon makaúyon siá. I will let him eat this pomelo if he likes it. Walâ akó makatupús sang ginpakáon níya sa ákon. I could not stand the food he gave me. Iníng kalán-an ginakán-an sing duhá ka púlò ka táo sa tágsa ka ádlaw. Twenty men take their meals-, mess-, are fed-, in this dining room every day.