Search result(s) - lígad



To pass, pass-, go-, by. Naglígad na ang tátlo ka túig kútub sádto. Three years have passed since then. Ligádi (-ári) siá. Pass him by. Go past him. Ginligádan (-áran) níya ang ámon baláy nga walá magsákà. He passed our house without calling on us. Ginpalígad níla ang íla pándut. They let their feast-day pass i.e. they postponed their feast-day. Ang naglígad índì saráng mapabálik. The past will never return,-cannot be brought back. (see lubás, labáy, lídan, talikód).



To pass, flit through; go by. Naglabáy sa ákon painóíno nga--. The thought flitted through my mind that--. (see labád, lubás, lígad).



Past, gone by, former. (see lígad, lúmbus, talikód, lapás, lubás).



(H) To vanish, disappear, dissolve, disperse; to pass, go beyond, reach and move on. Nagalampúas na ang asó. The smoke is clearing off. Ginapalampúas na sang ádlaw ang mga gál-um. The sun is dispersing the clouds. Walâ pa siá makalampúas sa ikaduhá ka púlò ka pagsukát. He has not yet passed his twentieth birth-day, (he is not yet twenty years old). (see púas, lámpas, lápas, ligad, lubás).



Past, after, gone by; to pass, go by (of time). Sa lapás ang piésta magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After the Feast-day I shall visit you. Tátlo na ka túig ang naglapás kútub sádto. Since that time three years have passed. (see lígad, talíwan, lubás, ági).



Want or lack of punctuality, failure to do something at the proper time; to pass, go by, be past or over, to fail. Magaabút akó sa ínyo sa waláy lídan. I will came to you without fail, punctually. Naglídan na ang ádlaw sang mga Minatáy. All-Souls' Day is past. (see lígad).



To shun, avoid, turn away from, neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress; omit, be disobedient. Buút siá maglípas sa ákon, kay mahádluk nga sókton ko siá sang ákon kwárta nga ginpahulám ko sa íya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears that I might demand payment of the amount he has borrowed from me. Sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon sa dálan naglípas siá. When he saw me on the road, he turned away from me. Ginlipásan níya siá gíkan sa kahuyâ. He avoided meeting him out of shame. Naglípas siá sa párì, kay naglápas siá sa pagsímba. He avoided meeting the priest, because he had neglected going to church,-had missed Mass. (see likáw, lígad, lubás, aklihís, lápas).



(B) To pass, go by, lapse, elapse, expire. Nakalubás na kútub sádto ang pilá ka túig. Several years have passed since then. Sín-o ang naglubás? Who was it that passed by? Nalúbsan níya akó. He passed me by. Indì mo paglúbsan ang ámon baláy, kóndì maghápit ka gid kon magkádto ka dídto sa ámon dapít. Do not pass by our house, but call on us without fail, if you come to our place. Palúbsa siá. Let him pass. (see ági, lígad).



(H) Postponing, dilatory, putting off, procrastinating, letting things pass by, paying no attention to, heedless. (lígad).



(H) That has to-pass,-elapse,-go by; coming, next. Sa túig, pitoádlaw, etc. nga palaligarón. Next year, week, etc. (see lígad).



Caus. of lígad-to pass, etc. (see palídan).



Freq. of lígad-to go (pass) by, etc.



(Sp. pasar) To pass, go by or through, be successful in an examination, etc. Nakapasár siá sa eksámen-or-napasarán níya ang eksámen. He passed the examination. Papasará-or-papasahá siá sa eksámen. Let him pass the examination. Indì ka makapasár dirâ, kay masíot gid ang dálan. You cannot get through there, for the road is densely overgrown. Daw sa índì siá makapasár, kay matámad siá magtoón. He will scarcely be able to pass, because he is so lazy at his lesson. (see ági, lubás, lígad, luás).



(B) To pass by, flit by, fly past. Nagsalídhay tána (ra) sa baláy námon kahápon kang hápon. (Naglígad siá sa ámon baláy kahápon sing hápon). He passed by our house yesterday afternoon. (see lígad, lubás, salíndab).



To turn one's back upon, leave, go away, flee, take to one's heels. Nagtalikód siá sa ákon. Gintalíkdan níya akó. He left me. He turned his back upon me. Talíkdi ang maláut nga batásan mo. Turn your back upon your bad habits. Give up your bad habits. Daw sa magatalikód na sa madalî sa kalibútan si Fuláno. It looks as though N.N. is soon going to leave this world (i.e. he will die soon). Tumalikód siá kag dumalágan pa búkid. He took to his heels and ran towards the mountain. Sang túig (búlan, semána, etc.) nga tinalíkdan. Last year (month, week, etc.). (see talíwan, halín, lígad, likód, talikurán).



-um-, This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When the verb begins with a vowel, um-is put before the vowel, e.g. abút-to come, becomes umabút. When the verb begins with a consonant, um-is put after the consonant, e.g. halín-to depart, becomes humalín.

1) Active Imperative. Bumúhat ka sinâ. Do it. Make it. Uminúm ka na kag pumadáyon sang ímo paglakát. Take a drink and continue your journey. (búhat, inúm, padáyon).

2) Conditional Future. Kon lumígad na ang tátlo ka ádlaw bayáran mo akó sing (sa) waláy balíbad. After three days you must pay me without shift. Kon dumángat ka sinâ--. When (If) you obtain that--. (lígad, dángat).

3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to what is called the Historical Present. Sang pagkabatî níya siní sa gilayón umílis siá kag lumakát. On hearing this he at once changes his clothes and sets out. Tumalikód lang siá kag humípus. All he does is to turn his back saying nothing. "Si Hesús nalóoy sa íya kag sumilíng:"--. Jesus had mercy on her and said:"--. Tumíndog na man si Nikolás, "Hóo, may katarúngan siá", sumalígbat siá sang íla halambalánon. Nicolas too stands up, and interrupting their conversation, blurts out: "Yes he is right". (ílis, lakát, talikód, hípus, silíng, tíndog, salígbat).

N.B. If, further, "l" is put after the first vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-, umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the agent of what the root signifies, e.g. umalági-a passer-by (ági); pumililî-an elector, voter (pílì); tumolóo-a believer (tóo); bumulúthò-one who goes to school, a student, pupil, alumnus (búthò); bumulúlig, bumululíg-helper, assistant (búlig); bumalákal-buyer, customer (bakál); tumalánum-planter, farmer (tanúm); sumilílhig-sweeper (sílhig); dumalalá-manager, conductor, leader, etc. etc. (see inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-, tig-, tag-).



-um-, This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When the verb begins with a vowel, um-is put before the vowel, e.g. abút-to come, becomes umabút. When the verb begins with a consonant, um-is put after the consonant, e.g. halín-to depart, becomes humalín.

1) Active Imperative. Bumúhat ka sinâ. Do it. Make it. Uminúm ka na kag pumadáyon sang ímo paglakát. Take a drink and continue your journey. (búhat, inúm, padáyon).

2) Conditional Future. Kon lumígad na ang tátlo ka ádlaw bayáran mo akó sing (sa) waláy balíbad. After three days you must pay me without shift. Kon dumángat ka sinâ--. When (If) you obtain that--. (lígad, dángat).

3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to what is called the Historical Present. Sang pagkabatî níya siní sa gilayón umílis siá kag lumakát. On hearing this he at once changes his clothes and sets out. Tumalikód lang siá kag humípus. All he does is to turn his back saying nothing. "Si Hesús nalóoy sa íya kag sumilíng:"--. Jesus had mercy on her and said:"--. Tumíndog na man si Nikolás, "Hóo, may katarúngan siá", sumalígbat siá sang íla halambalánon. Nicolas too stands up, and interrupting their conversation, blurts out: "Yes he is right". (ílis, lakát, talikód, hípus, silíng, tíndog, salígbat).

N.B. If, further, "l" is put after the first vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-, umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the agent of what the root signifies, e.g. umalági-a passer-by (ági); pumililî-an elector, voter (pílì); tumolóo-a believer (tóo); bumulúthò-one who goes to school, a student, pupil, alumnus (búthò); bumulúlig, bumululíg-helper, assistant (búlig); bumalákal-buyer, customer (bakál); tumalánum-planter, farmer (tanúm); sumilílhig-sweeper (sílhig); dumalalá-manager, conductor, leader, etc. etc. (see inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-, tig-, tag-).



Sun; day; daylight; to be or become daylight; to pass or spend a day. Nagabútlak na ang ádlaw. The sun is rising. Adlaw na; lakát kitá. It's daylight now; let us go. Kon magádlaw (umádlaw) na, pagadayúnon ta ang áton paglakát. When daylight appears, we will continue our march. Sa sulúd sang duhá ukón tátlo ka ádlaw mapamanílà akó. Within two or three days I'll depart for Manila. Naadlawán kitá dídto. We passed a full day there. Naduhaán kitá ka ádlaw dídto. We spent two days there. Sa ádlaw nga Miérkoles. On Wednesday. Sang naglígad nga ádlaw nga Miérkoles. Last Wednesday. Maáyo nga ádlaw. Good day. Good morning. Adlaw nga inugpuása kag inugpaúmud sa kárne. A day of fasting and abstinence. Sang isá sinâ nga mga ádlaw nga naglilí-gad---. One of these last days----. Sa tanán nga ádlaw. Every day.



Murmur, rattle, clatter, crackle, a sound as of many voices, a quick succession of little noises, patter; to patter, to sound or make a noise, as of many voices, shots, falling stones and the like. Nagabárak ang sinánlag sa gánga, ang mga tígbaw sa subâ kon tútdan, etc. What is roasted in the pot, the reeds in the river-bed, if burned, etc. crackles (crackle). Kon tútdan iníng kaingín, magabárak ang mga tinapás nga sibúkaw kag kawáyan. When these forest-clearings are burned the felled sibúkaw and bamboo crackle. Ginpabarákan akó níla sing bató. They pelted me with a rattling shower of stones. Ipabárak iníng balás sa íla baláy or pabaráki siníng balás ang íla baláy. Make their house resound with the noise of this sand thrown at it. Nabarákan akó gid siníng táo kon maghámbal. This man is too garrulous for me when he talks. Pabaráki siá sang pamángkot, agúd nga índì siá makasabát. Ply him with many questions in quick succession, so that he cannot answer. Nagpabárak siá sang íya mga rebentadór sang paglígad sang nóbia. He let off his crackers, when the bride passed by. (see árak).



To speak to, be on speaking terms with, converse with, have social relations with, make friends with, make it up. Walâ na gid silá magbugnohánay siníng duhá ka simána nga naglilígad. They have not spoken to each other for the last two weeks. Magbúgno ka sa íya or bugnohá siá. Speak to him. Converse with him. Humalín sang pagsúay níla sádtong isá ka ádlaw walâ gid silá magbugnohánay. Since their quarrel the other day they have not spoken to each other. Walâ na silá pagbugnohánay. They are not on speaking terms any more. (see támyaw, pakigpulóngpúlong, hámbal, abíábi).

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