To girdle-, ringbark-, a tree. Labáya ang páhò, agúd maglúmpaw. Ringbark the mango tree so that it may wither.
A polite excuse for interrupting a conversation or for introducing a new topic. Labáy man ang ákon, sán-o ka pa dirí? Excuse me for interrupting, when did you arrive here?
To catch or ensnare by means of a rope. See lábang. Labáya-labánga.
(H) To brandish, wave, flourish, to shake to and fro. Ibalábad mo ang binángon. Brandish the bolo. Balabádan (-áran) ko silá sang lipák. I will shake the piece of bamboo at them. (see labáy-lábay, barumbáda).
See balábad, labáy-lábay.
To pass by or through, flit past, cross. Naglabád siá sa ákon baláy nga dáw hángin. He passed by my house like the wind. Nalabadán (nalabarán) ang ákon paínoíno sang panghúnàhúnà nga--. The thought crossed my mind that--. Ilabád ang áwto sa plása. Drive the auto through the public square. (see labáy).
To ensnare, catch, rope, tie or intercept with a rope. (The ends of the rope are held by two men, who, on the approach of the animal, throw the rope under its neck and then quickly change places so as to encircle the animal's neck with the rope). Maglábang ka sang kabáyo-or-labánga ang kabáyo. Catch the horse by means of a rope. (see lábay).
Changeable, capricious; erratic, fickle, variable, ever changing the-, or introducing a new-, subject. Labáylabáy ang íya sugilánon. His conversation is erratic, ever changing and changing about.
Dim. and Freq. of labáy. Also: to pass to and fro, shake from side to side, brandish, flourish, wave. Nagalabáylábay siá sang íya bastón. He is waving his stick (as a signal). Ginlabáylabáyan níya kamí sing binángon. He brandished (shook, flourished) a bolo at us (as a threat). Ang bátà nagalabáylábay sa ámon luyó, kay buút nga hatágan sang ámon kalanónon. The boy is circling around us, because he would like to be given some of our eatables. (see balábad, barumbáda).
To pass, pass-, go-, by. Naglígad na ang tátlo ka túig kútub sádto. Three years have passed since then. Ligádi (-ári) siá. Pass him by. Go past him. Ginligádan (-áran) níya ang ámon baláy nga walá magsákà. He passed our house without calling on us. Ginpalígad níla ang íla pándut. They let their feast-day pass i.e. they postponed their feast-day. Ang naglígad índì saráng mapabálik. The past will never return,-cannot be brought back. (see lubás, labáy, lídan, talikód).
To pass, flit by, etc. See labáy, lubás, salídhay.
Wild gesticulation, spar; to make a spar at, gesticulate wildly, move the hands wildly, saw the air with one's hands, swing the arms, etc. preparatory to a fight, to get ready for a fight. Ang mga manogdumúg nagatúsay (nagatulúsay, nagatinusayáy) na. The wrestlers are getting ready for the fight. (see hanâ, labáy-lábay, barumbáda).
(H) Life-buoy, etc. See gabayán.
A very small moth injurious to blankets, clothes, etc. and causing irritation when brought in contact with the skin; an insect that is very harmful to cereals, as rice, etc.
(B) See galabáyan, gabayán, alobáybay, gabáy.
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