A hammock; to use a hammock, swing-a hammock,-in a hammock. Magdúyan ka lang dirâ. Just lie down in that hammock. Duyána ang bátà. Put the baby in the hammock and swing it. Idúyan akó ánay sang bátà. Kindly rock the baby in the hammock for me. Amó iní ang abóyabóy nga ginaduyánan sa bátà. This is the make-shift hammock in which the baby swings.
To walk, take a stroll, go-, pass-, by. See dayán id.
(B) Dim. of abóy: Also A primitive cradle or hammock made of a blanket, an old skirt or the like. Ang bátà nagakatulúg sa abóy-abóy. The baby is sleeping in the make-shift hammock. (see dúyan, duyán-dúyan).
(B) Hammock. (see dúyan, duyándúyan, abóyabóy).
Dim. of dúyan. A small hammock, anything resembling a hammock. (see abóyabóy).
A swing, hammock, anything suspended and used as a swing. (see abiogán, halabiogán, dúyan, batóng).
Loose, slack, not tight, not taut; to loosen, get loose, slacken. Naglabóy ang páha ko. My belt got loose. Húgta ang páha mo, agúd índì maglabóy ang sárwal mo. Tighten your belt, lest your trousers should get slack. Laboyí ang higót sang dúyan, kay támà katáas. Let out the rope of the hammock, for it is too high. Nalaboyán ko ang kalát. I loosened the rope. Laboyí ang kalát, kay támà katáning. Slacken the rope, for it is too tight. Ilabóy akó ánay siníng higót. Please loosen this string for me.
To ramble, loiter, loaf, walk about aimlessly, etc. See ladáy, duyán, lagáwlágaw, landólándo, haráyháray, tiyógtiyóg).
Dim. and Freq. of lála-to sing a lullaby; to solfa, etc. Daláyon gid lang siá nagalalá-lála sang dumáan nga "Ilí-íli duyáyan, ibutáng si akáy sa dúyan". She is constantly singing the old lullaby: "Ilí-íli duyáyan, put the darling into the "duyan" (hammock)".
To sit on a hammock or the like. Ginpaándam níya kamí nga índì námon paglukótan ang dúyan, kay támà na gid kagabúk. He warned us not to sit on the hammock, for it is quite rotten. (Probably this "lúkot" is identical with the foregoing, but is used here metaphorically).
To hang or bend down, sag, sink, as the middle of a hammock or the like. Nagatáboy ang dúyan, ang pulungkóan, etc. The hammock, the chair, etc. is hollow or sunk in the middle. (see lúyon, which is more used for the bending sacks, boards, beams, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of úgoy. Ugóyugóyi si tótò sa dúyan. Sing softly to baby boy in the hammock. Lull the darling to sleep in the hammock. (see ogóyógoy).
Dim. and Freq. of úgoy. Ugóyugóyi si tótò sa dúyan. Sing softly to baby boy in the hammock. Lull the darling to sleep in the hammock. (see ogóyógoy).
To bear-, carry-, transport-, something between two or more persons (on a pole, or the like); transportation, etc. by means of a stretcher, etc. Ginayayóngan níla ang minatáy. They are bearing the corpse. Ginyayóngan siá níla sa dúyan. They carried him in a hammock. (see tíngga, píngga, tuángtúang).
(Sp. cuna) Cradle. (see abóy-abóy, batóng, duyándúyan).