Search result(s) - talikurán



The back, background, rear, space or position behind, or at the back of, anything. Sa talikurán sang--. At the back (rear) of, behind--. Maáyo ang íya hámbal sa tamparán, ápang maláin sa talikurán. He speaks well of another in his presence, but maligns him behind his back. (see likód, talikód, tamparán-front).



To turn one's back upon, leave, go away, flee, take to one's heels. Nagtalikód siá sa ákon. Gintalíkdan níya akó. He left me. He turned his back upon me. Talíkdi ang maláut nga batásan mo. Turn your back upon your bad habits. Give up your bad habits. Daw sa magatalikód na sa madalî sa kalibútan si Fuláno. It looks as though N.N. is soon going to leave this world (i.e. he will die soon). Tumalikód siá kag dumalágan pa búkid. He took to his heels and ran towards the mountain. Sang túig (búlan, semána, etc.) nga tinalíkdan. Last year (month, week, etc.). (see talíwan, halín, lígad, likód, talikurán).



See the following talikurán.



Front, frontage, face, facade, what is in front of or facing the spectator. Sa tamparán sang--. In front of, before, opposite, facing, fronting--. (see támpad, talikurán-rear, back).