To destroy, demolish, undo, pull-, break-, to pieces, pull down, break up, knock down, reduce to ruins, raze to the ground, tear down. Gúb-a (gubaá) lang ang dáan mo nga baláy. Pull down your old house. Gúb-i akó siníng gabúk nga tángkal. Break up for me this rotten pigsty. Nagúb-an siá sang kisamí kag napílas ang íya páa. The ceiling collapsed and he was wounded in the leg. Igubâ akó siníng dáan nga padér. Please knock down this old wall for me. (see búngkag, ránggà).
To demolish, destroy, dismantle, pull down, take down. Bungkagá ang baláy. Pull down the house. Dílì mo pagbungkagón ang káro nga napunihán, kay may kinahánglan pa akó sinâ. Don't dismantle the decorated car, for I need it again. Bungkagí akó sing isá ka síya nga dáan, kay himóon ko nga balayán sang isá ka kwádro. Take to pieces an old chair for me, because I am going to make a picture-frame of it. Ibúngkag mo akó ánay sang entabládo. Please take down the stage. (see gubâ, láglag).
To demolish, exterminate, destroy, annihilate. Laglagá silá nga tanán. Exterminate them all. Iláglag iníng agás sa mga ánay. Use this kerosene to destroy the termites. Amó iní ang kalóg nga linaglagán níla sang mga lúkso. This is the ditch in which they destroyed the young locusts. Ginláglag sang mga buyóng ang búg-os nga minurô páti ang íya sinâ nga mga pumulúyò. The brigands destroyed the whole village with its inhabitants. (see búngkag, gubâ, pápas).
(H) To destroy, demolish, break down, smash up, pull down. Lumpagá ang síya, baláy, etc. Smash up the chair, pull down the house, etc. Ginpalúmpag ko sa íla ang ákon bálay, kay gabúk na. I let them pull down my house for it was rotten. Nalumpagán akó sang ákon baláy sang mga buyóng. The robbers demolished my house. (see gubâ, láglag).
To let, make, or cause to, destroy, break down, pull down, etc. Pagúb-a (Pagubaá) na lang ang ímo baláy. Have your house pulled down. Pagubaá lang ang pánday sang ímo baláy-or-ipagubâ na lang sa pánday ang ímo baláy. Let the carpenter break (pull) down your house. (pa, gubâ).
(B) To break down, destroy, undo, smash to pieces, demolish. Ang ámon baláy naránggà kang (nagubâ sang) bágyo. Our house was destroyed by the hurricane. Índì kaw magránggà kang (índì mo pag ranggaón ang) lamésa. (Indì ka maggubâ sang (índì mo paggubaón ang) lamésa). Don't smash the table. Ranggaí tána kang ána kodál. Ranggaá ang kodál na. (Gúb-i siá sang íya korál. Gúb-a ang íya korál). Break down his fence. (see gubâ, láglag, lúmpag).
(B) To destroy, demolish, break up, smash up, break-, smash-, to pieces, undo bit by bit. Rumpagá roláng (Gúb-a na lang) ang dáan nga síya, lamésa, baláy, etc. Just destroy the old chair, table, house, etc. Rumpagá ang mga puní kang simbáhan, hay tápus ron ang piésta. (Kuháa ang mga puní sang simbáhan, kay tápus na ang piésta). Take away the decorations in the church, because the feast is over. (see lúmpag, búngkag, gubâ, ránggà, kúhà).
To scatter, strew, spread, throw about, sow; to waste, squander (money, etc.); to destroy, demolish, undo, unmake, break down, break in pieces. Iwágwag (iwás-ag, isábwag) ang mga búlak sa salúg. Scatter the flowers on the floor. Ginwagwagán (ginsabwagán, ginwás-agán) níla ang alágyan sang prosesyón sing madámù nga búlak. They scattered many flowers on the road over which the procession passed. Ginwágwag gid lang níya ang íya pílak. He wasted (squandered) his money. Ginwágwag níla ang pántaw, kay buút níla ilísan sing bág-o. They broke down the kitchen-balcony, because they want to replace it by a new one. Nawágwag ang putús sang ulúnan kag nagguluwâ ang dúldul. The pillow-case broke (burst) open and the kapok-cotton came out. (see wás-ag, sábwag, sáb-og, wágak, údhà, buhahâ, gubâ, busáag).
To scatter, spread; to undo, unmake, demolish, destroy, break in pieces; to disintegrate, fall out or off and spread in all directions, as grain escaping through a hole in a sack, or the like. Ginwás-ag sang hángin ang mga dáhon nga layâ sang káhoy. The wind scattered the dead (dry) leaves of the tree. Kon itók-ap mo ang sáko ang íya sulúd inawás-ag. If you shake the sack its contents will fall out. (see wágwag, busáag, lápta, aláplag, sábud, gubâ, ránggà, etc.)
To crumble to pieces, demolish, wreck, shatter, fall down in a heap, collapse (of buildings in an earthquake, etc.); to fall, drop (as fruit from a tree, etc.). Ginwásdak sang línog ang ámon baláy. Our house was shattered (ruined, destroyed) by the earthquake. Hinápit sang líntì ang íya sululátan kag nawásdak (nagkawásdak) ang íya hulút. Lightning struck his office and wrecked his room. (see busáag, wás-ag, gubâ, láglag, ránggà).
A common shrub, whose leaves are made use of to keep off or drive away bugs.
To support, guide, help along persons who cannot walk well by themselves; to assist people in their necessities. Agubayá iníng piáng. Help along this lame person. Iagubáy akó ánay siníng masakít nga batà. Please support this sick child for me. Ipaagubáy ko lang iníng makaloló-oy nga tigúlang sa mga mádre. I'll get the nuns to take care of this poor old man. Makaagubáy ka sa íya? Can you help him along? Ginagubáy námon siá, kay malúya siá maglakát. We helped him along, as he had little strength to walk.
Together, in common, general. Gubán silá nagabút dirí. They came here together.
War, revolution, upheaval, great disturbance; to fight, wage war, storm, fall upon, assault, attack, assail, rush or advance upon, pitch into, dash at. Gubáta siá. Attack him. Gingúbat níla ang bánwa. They took the town by storm. (see gúbut).