(B) To break down, destroy, undo, smash to pieces, demolish. Ang ámon baláy naránggà kang (nagubâ sang) bágyo. Our house was destroyed by the hurricane. Índì kaw magránggà kang (índì mo pag ranggaón ang) lamésa. (Indì ka maggubâ sang (índì mo paggubaón ang) lamésa). Don't smash the table. Ranggaí tána kang ána kodál. Ranggaá ang kodál na. (Gúb-i siá sang íya korál. Gúb-a ang íya korál). Break down his fence. (see gubâ, láglag, lúmpag).
To destroy, demolish, undo, pull-, break-, to pieces, pull down, break up, knock down, reduce to ruins, raze to the ground, tear down. Gúb-a (gubaá) lang ang dáan mo nga baláy. Pull down your old house. Gúb-i akó siníng gabúk nga tángkal. Break up for me this rotten pigsty. Nagúb-an siá sang kisamí kag napílas ang íya páa. The ceiling collapsed and he was wounded in the leg. Igubâ akó siníng dáan nga padér. Please knock down this old wall for me. (see búngkag, ránggà).
(B) To destroy, demolish, break up, smash up, break-, smash-, to pieces, undo bit by bit. Rumpagá roláng (Gúb-a na lang) ang dáan nga síya, lamésa, baláy, etc. Just destroy the old chair, table, house, etc. Rumpagá ang mga puní kang simbáhan, hay tápus ron ang piésta. (Kuháa ang mga puní sang simbáhan, kay tápus na ang piésta). Take away the decorations in the church, because the feast is over. (see lúmpag, búngkag, gubâ, ránggà, kúhà).
To scatter, spread; to undo, unmake, demolish, destroy, break in pieces; to disintegrate, fall out or off and spread in all directions, as grain escaping through a hole in a sack, or the like. Ginwás-ag sang hángin ang mga dáhon nga layâ sang káhoy. The wind scattered the dead (dry) leaves of the tree. Kon itók-ap mo ang sáko ang íya sulúd inawás-ag. If you shake the sack its contents will fall out. (see wágwag, busáag, lápta, aláplag, sábud, gubâ, ránggà, etc.)
To crumble to pieces, demolish, wreck, shatter, fall down in a heap, collapse (of buildings in an earthquake, etc.); to fall, drop (as fruit from a tree, etc.). Ginwásdak sang línog ang ámon baláy. Our house was shattered (ruined, destroyed) by the earthquake. Hinápit sang líntì ang íya sululátan kag nawásdak (nagkawásdak) ang íya hulút. Lightning struck his office and wrecked his room. (see busáag, wás-ag, gubâ, láglag, ránggà).
See barangáy.
Dim. of gárang. Madámù sing garánggárang iníng tanúm. This plant is covered with sharp prickles.
To let or make a gun go off, to fire, let off, discharge, detonate, fire a salute, fire off salvoes, to cannonade, cause something to burst with a loud report, to fire shots by means of a gun, rifle, mortar, etc. Also noun: shooting, salvo, salute with guns, or the like. Sang piésta dídto sa báryo may palupók sa kawáyan. At the feast there in the village they fired off a bamboo gun. Palúkpi (Palupokí) ang Nobéna. Fire off mortars during the novena. Ipalupók ko sa ímo iníng rekámara sa ínyong piésta, ápang kon magubâ (mapérde, maránggà) báklan mo akó sing isá nga bág-o (sing isá ka rekámara nga bág-o). I'll let you have this mortar for your Feast, but if it should be ruined, you'll have to buy me a new one. (see lupók).