To harm, damage, injure, spite, do mischief to. Indì ka magamolít sa ákon-or-índì mo akó pagamolitán. Don't do me any harm. Don't harm me. Ginamolitán níla ang íya mga tanúm. They did damage to his plants out of spite. Sarìsárì ang mga pahítò nga íla gingámit sa pagamolít sang íya pangabúhì. They used various means to make his life miserable. Madámù nga mga pagbutángbútang ang íla ginamolít sa íya. They resorted to many calumnies in order to harm him. Inamolitán níla ang íya kalubihán. They spitefully damaged his coconut-plantation. (see dáut, tístis, panístis).
From dáut-to injure, harm.
Injury, harm, perdition, ruin, destruction; to damage, injure, spoil, impair, harm, destroy, cause irreparable loss or damage. Naghálit siá sang íya kabúhì-or-ginhalítan níya ang íya kabúhì. He spoilt his life. Indì mo paghalítan ang ákon mga tanúm. Don't damage my plants. (see dáut, tístis, panístis).
(H) To injure, spoil, harm, cause damage to. Andamán mo ang lanahón, agúd índì malimógan. Take good care of the coconut-meat from which coconut-oil is to be extracted, so that it may not be spoilt. Ang amó nga mga pagbaísbáis nagalímog sang pagtoloóhan. Such disputes are injurious to faith. (see dáut, láut, hálit).
Pernicious, nefarious, injurious, obnoxious, bad. (see dáut).
Caus. of dáut-to injure.
To injure seriously, maim, cause an injury, wound, harm, hurt. Nasamáran (Nasamádan) siá. He was seriously injured. Nasámad (nagkasámad, nagkasalámad) silá nga tanán. They were all injured (hurt, wounded). Sín-o ukón anó ang nakasámad sa ímo? Who or what caused you the injury? (see dáut, pílas, hálit).
Spite, malice, malignity, ill-will, spitefulness; to spite, harm another out of envy, do malicious damage; to spoil, ruin, dishonour, disgrace, seduce and leave in the lurch. Gintistisán níla ang íya mga tanúm. They maliciously damaged his plants (crop). Likawí si Fuláno, kay maláin siá sing batásan; básì kon tístisán lang níya ikáw. Avoid meeting N.N., because he is a bad character and may only intend to ruin you. (see híkaw, hísà, dáut, hálit).
Wrongdoing, injuries, evils. (see kalaútan, kalalát-an).