Search result(s) - hísà



Envy, spite, grudge, malevolence, malignity, malice, ill-will, bad-blood, ill-nature, spleen; to envy, grudge, be spiteful, bear a grudge, vent one's spleen, harbour ill-will, etc. Indì ka maghísà sa íya-or-Indì mo siá paghisáan. Don't envy him-or-Bear him no ill-will. (see híkaw).



To slap, kick, pinch, strike, or the like (especially among children). Dílì ka maghísà sa íya. Don't pinch him. (see sakít, kodót).



Envy, spite, grudge, ill-will, malice, malevolence, gall, venom, spleen, rancour, virulence; to envy, spite, grudge, covet, harm out of spite, bear malice. Indì ka maghíkaw sang íya sang ibán. Don't covet things belonging to others. Indì ka magpanghíkaw. Don't be envious. Ginahikáwan akó níya. He envies me. Indì mo siá paghikáwan sang íya mga tanúm. Don't damage his plants out of spite. Hinikáwan siá sang babáylan. The wizard harmed him out of malice. (see hísà, tístis).



Envy, spite, grudge, malice, resentment, rancour, venom. (hísà; see kahíkaw).



Envious, invidious, jealous, spiteful, grudging, malicious, malignant. (see hísà, mahisaón, maníkaw).



Freq. of hísà-to envy, spite, grudge, bear ill-will; to beat, thrash, hurt.



Spite, malice, malignity, ill-will, spitefulness; to spite, harm another out of envy, do malicious damage; to spoil, ruin, dishonour, disgrace, seduce and leave in the lurch. Gintistisán níla ang íya mga tanúm. They maliciously damaged his plants (crop). Likawí si Fuláno, kay maláin siá sing batásan; básì kon tístisán lang níya ikáw. Avoid meeting N.N., because he is a bad character and may only intend to ruin you. (see híkaw, hísà, dáut, hálit).



(H) What is to be-, or should be-, taxed, a thing on which a tax has to be paid; tax, duty, impost, levy. (see buhís).



To agree well, get on-, pull-, hit it-, well together, be in accord, correspond. (see sahô, hitóhog, hiúsa, hiúgyon, binuligáy).



To fit, suit, agree, correspond, match. Walâ paghisálò ang íla sugilánon. Their conversation is all out of joint. They do not understand each other (their answers not agreeing with the questions, or the like). Walâ na silá paghisálò. They are not on good terms any longer. (see salô).

hisálo, hisálok


To sit down together with others, take meals in common; to agree, harmonize, live in harmony. (see sálo, hisálò, hisáhò).



To know, be aware of, understand, be acquainted with the facts. Nakahisáyod ikáw sinâ? Ginahisayóran (ginahisáyran, ginahisayódan) mo inâ? Do you know that? Have you knowledge of that? (see sáyod, hibaló, hántup, hangúp, áto, balíntúnod, álam).



To explain, expound, elucidate, enlarge upon. (see sáysay, ásoy).



See mahísà.



To shun, shrink from, draw back, avoid being touched or taken hold of. Nagaklihís siá sa ákon. He shrank from me, drew back from me. Aklihisí siá. Shun him. Avoid him. Don't go near him. Paaklihisá si akáy mo sa kay Fuláno. Order or tell your darling girl to keep away from N.N. (see líkaw, likáw, kuyáw).



Chum, pal, friend, shortened from amígo and used very familiarly and often also ironically or sarcastically. Si amíg ko Ipíng. My friend Philip. Ihátag mo iní sa kay amíg Tibóy. Give this to our friend Toribio. Nahisáyran na ni amíg Lúis nga-. Our good friend Luis (our opponent or adversary) is most likely aware of the fact that-(see atíd, akíd, idól, ábyan, amígo).



Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license; impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhís ikáw sang sédula, contribusyón teritoryál, etc.? Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax, etc.? Húo, bág-o pa lang akó magbuhís sinâ. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago. Ginbuhisán níla ang idô. They paid their dog-license. Iníng kwárta ibuhís ko sa ákon gantángan. I'll use this money to pay the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhís ko na ang ápat ka mángmang sa ákon sédula, kay nagparekárgo silá sa ákon (or naparekargohán akó níla) tungúd sang ákon pagkamoróso. I have paid the four pesos for my cedula, for they charged me double on account of my being behindhand,-in arrear,-my not providing myself with a cedula in due time.



Hatred, hate, spite, odium, antipathy, aversion, spleen, acrimony, detestation, animosity, enmity; to hate, abominate, detest, bear malice. May dumút siá sa ákon. He has a spite against me. He bears me malice. Nagadumút siá sa ákon-or-ginadúmtan níya akó. He hates me. Ipadumút mo sa íya ang maláut nga batásan. Teach him to detest bad habits. Nagadumtánay silá. They hate each other. Ginbátyag ko ang isá ka dakû nga dumút sa íya, ápang gintágò ko lámang. I felt a great detestation for him, but kept it hidden. (see ákig-anger; aligótgot-spite, resentment, grudge; kahísà, kahíkaw-envy, grudge, spite; kasílag-hot blood, rage, ill feeling).



What is to be explained, elucidated or enlarged upon; explicable, explainable. (see hisáysay, sáysay).



(H) To fit or agree well. Nagahilitóon gid ang íla pagginawî. Their dispositions agree well together. Maghilitóon kamó sang ínyo nga batásan. Try to make your manners agreeable to each other. Maghilitoonáy kamó. Pull well together. Make an effort to be agreeable to one another. (see tóon, hilitóhog, hiliúsa, hisáhò, hiliúgyon, etc.).

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