Selfish, stingy, etc. See akíd.
Chum, pal, friend, shortened from amígo and used very familiarly and often also ironically or sarcastically. Si amíg ko Ipíng. My friend Philip. Ihátag mo iní sa kay amíg Tibóy. Give this to our friend Toribio. Nahisáyran na ni amíg Lúis nga-. Our good friend Luis (our opponent or adversary) is most likely aware of the fact that-(see atíd, akíd, idól, ábyan, amígo).
(B) Used only of, or amongst, females: Friend, playmate, constant companion, bosom-friend, intimate; to be friends, or constant companions. Nagabábay or nagababayánay silá. They are very intimate or constantly together. (The relative term for males is akíd, atíd, idól).
A friend, companion, intimate (among females; see bábay id.). The correlative term for males is: idól, akíd, atíd.
A rough basket usually made of buri-palm leaves and used in the collection of the rice-harvest. An ordinary bákid contains about two bushels.
To stow, to make all snug, to arrange compactly, so that the objects arranged may occupy little space, to pack closely. Bakíra (-ída) ang mga ságing, páhò, etc. Pack the bananas, mangoes, etc. close. Bakíri ang tabungós sang mga ságing. Arrange the bananas well in the tabungós-basket. Binákid nga páhò. Well packed, or closely packed, mangoes.
Dim. of bákid. Also: Dry earwax; a wasp's nest. (see atotolí).
To rope, cord, bind. See gákut id.
Dim. and Freq. of gákid.
Dry ear-wax, cerumen. (see bakídbakíd).
(B) To scoop out rice from a kettle, etc. Kon maghakíd ka sang tiníg-ang, ímo ánay kalikádon (-áron). When you scoop out the boiled rice, stir it up first with the ladle. Patakídla ang kólon, kalikádon mo ang kán-on kag hakidón (-irón). Lean the kettle, stir the rice with the ladle and scoop it out. Ihakíd akó ánay sang tiníg-ang sa kólon. Please take out the boiled rice from the pot. (see súkad).
Savouriness, tastiness, toothsomeness (of eatables that are neither too soft nor too hard, but just right). (see kíd-ol).
Just right, done to a turn, not too hard and not too soft, tasty, nice, said of tubers, bananas, boiled rice, etc. (see kíd-ol).
From takílid.
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