Search result(s) - sakít



Grief, mental pain, mental suffering, sadness, sorrow, woe, distress, affliction; to grieve, be sad or in sorrow, be sorry, pained or distressed. Nagakasákit ang buút ko. I am grieved, pained. Ang nasakítan ko gid (Ang nasakítan gid sang ákon buút) amó ang--. What grieves me most is--. What I am chiefly sorry for is--. Ginakasakítan ko gid ang kamatáyon sang ákon ilóy. I am very sad on account of the death of my mother. Dílì nímo igkasákit inâ. Don't be distressed at that. Dî mo pagpasakíton ang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't grieve your parents. Walâ gid níla pagigkasákit ang amó nga hitabâ. They were not sorry at all for what happened. (see subô, kághà, lisúd, sakít).



Bodily or physical pain, suffering, ache, smart, twinge, twitch, gripe, hurt, soreness, sting, torment, torture; to cause pain, to pain, inflict pain, hurt, torment, torture, rack. Sakitá siá. Let him-feel,-smart for it. Nasakitán siá sang kusî (kodót) ni Fuláno. He felt the pain when N.N. pinched him. Indì mo siá pagsakitón sing támà. Don't give him too much pain. Don't beat him too much.



Cause, reason, motive, pretext, ground, foundation. Madámù siá sing mga bángdan. He has many motives or pretexts. Ang sakít sa úlo amó ang íya bángdan nga índì siá makaóbra. His headache is the cause of his not being able to work. (bangúd).



Pain, cramps (in the stomach); to be painful, cause pain, especially in the stomach; a passing fit of stomach-ache. Nagadúklong ang solóksolók ko. I have stomach-ache. (see sakít, kútoy).



A sensation of great pain, a smart, an acute, sharp or biting pain; to smart, cause a sharp or acute pain (by the stroke of a whip, etc.). Nagahápdì iníng pilás ko. This wound of mine is smarting. Ginahapdián siá sang kagát sang idô. He is in great pain from the dog's bite. Indì mo pagpahapdión ang íya pilás kon tambalán mo. Avoid causing his wound to smart, when you apply remedies. Kon haplikán ka sang látigo magahápdì ang lábhag. When you receive a flick of a whip the weal smarts. (see sakít).



To feel pain, uneasiness or mortification at the sight of another's well-being or success, envy, spite, begrudge, be sore on account of, harbour a grudge or ill-will, be pained at. Nagahinakít siá sa ákon. He envies me. Ginahinakitán áko níya, kay maáyo ang ákon pinatubás kag makúl-aw ang íya. He harbours ill-will against me, because I had a good harvest and he a poor one. Indì ka maghinakít sang mga kaayóhan sang ibán. Don't envy the good things of others-or-Don't be vexed at the sight of the prosperity of others. (see sakít, hingabút).



Pain, grief, sorrow, trouble. Walâ na siá sing hinanákit. He has no longer any grief or pain. (see sákit, sakít).



To rue, repent of, be contrite, be penitent, be sorry for, to feel-compunction,-remorse, to regret. Maghinúlsul ka sang ímo mga salâ-or-Hinulsulán mo ang ímo mga salâ. Be sorry for-or-repent of your sins. Pahinulsulá siá ánay sang íya mga salá. Let him first make an act of contrition for his sins. Kon walâ sing paghinúlsul, walâ man sing patáwad. Without contrition there is no forgiveness. (see ngúsul, núlsul, sákit, subô).



To slap, kick, pinch, strike, or the like (especially among children). Dílì ka maghísà sa íya. Don't pinch him. (see sakít, kodót).



To fall upon in a body, make common cause against. Indì nínyo siá paghugnitón. Don't fall upon him in a body. Ang mga gamít nga nabilín ni ánhing Fuláno ginhulúgnit sang íya kahinablúsan. All the furniture and clothes of the late N.N. were seized by her nieces and nephews. Ila ginhulúgnit sang sakít ang makáwat nga íla nadákpan. They (all together) maltreated the thief they caught. (see púli).



Grief, sorrow, mourning, sadness, desolation, anguish, pain; to grieve, etc. Nagakághà siá. She is grieving. Ginakaghaán níya ang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy. He is mourning the death of his mother. Indì ka magpakághà sa ímo mga ginikánan. Don't sadden your parents. Indì mo pagsóndon ang mga batásan nga maláut nga igkakághà sang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't imitate bad conduct that will grieve your parents. Sa dakû nga kághà kag kasubô --. In great grief and sorrow --. (see subô, lisúd, sákit).



Grief, mourning, pain, sorrow, affliction, woe, heartache, unhappiness, infelicity, anguish, pang, agony, interior or spiritual suffering, dolour, dolor. (see sákit).



Pain, painfulness, suffering, pang, anguish, agony, torture, torment, ache, smart, bodily illness, injury or ailment. (see sakít).



Punisher, one who inflicts pain or administers punishment, torturer, tormenter, tormentor, executioner. (see sákit, sakít).



Hurtful, something that hurts, inflicting pain, painful; spiteful, revengeful, vindictive. (hinakít, sákit, sakít).



Sick, ill, infirm, ailing, unwell, poorly, sore, out of sorts, seedy, painful, aching, poignant, smarting, hurting, excruciating; sharp, harsh, rough, cutting (of speech). (see sakít).



Dim. of masakít. Slightly ill, indisposed, rather sore, a little painful, paining a little, not quite well, a little out of sorts.



To make easier, assuage, mitigate, alleviate, soothe, allay, comfort, soften, palliate, relieve, moderate. Pahagánhagána ang íya nga kalisúd. Assuage her grief. Console her in her distress. Ipahagánhágan sa íya nga kasubô iníng maáyo nga balítà. Soothe her sorrow with this good news. Ang bulúng nga gindápat sang médiko nagpahagánhágan sang íya sakít. The remedy applied by the doctor eased (lessened) her pain. (pa, hagánhágan).



Pain, painfulnes, ache, twinge. (see sakít, panakít).



Regard, respect for, consideration; to pay respect to, have regard or consideration for, to honour, respect, think much of. Indì mo na akó ipanagubáli. You have no regard for me any more, you no longer have respect for me. Walâ níya pagpanagubalíha ang sakít sang íya ólo. He paid no attention to his headache. He did not act as if he had a headache. He acted as though he had no headache. (see bálhot, bárhot, banâ, sapák, tamúd).

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