Search result(s) - hingabút



To draw or come near, be about to arrive, to persecute, pursue, molest, harass, perplex, annoy, distress, be after; strive, seek to obtain. Ang mga matárung ginahingabút sing masamí sang mga maláut. The just are often persecuted by the wicked. Ginbutangbutángan níla siá sing salâ sa paghingabút sa íya. They slandered him in order to harass him. Indì ka maghingabút sa íya. Don't persecute him. Ang idô nagahingabút sang kánding. The dog is after the goat. (see abút).



To arrive in time, appear at the right moment, reach at the proper time. Walâ siá makahingábut sa mísa. He did not arrive in time to hear Mass. (see ábut).



To go in-search of,-quest of, search for, look for, pursue, be on the trail of, follow up. Godgorá (-odá) ang bátà. Search for the boy. Igódgod akó ánay sang ákon báboy nga nakagwâ sa tángkal. Kindly go after my pig that has escaped from the sty. Gingódgod-or-ginódgod siá sang íya nga amáy, kay walâ siá magpaúlì sa táknà sang panyága. His father was looking for him, because he did not come home at dinner-time. Ang mga buyóng ginagódgod sang mga soldádo sa búkid. The robbers are being pursued by the soldiers in the mountains. Ang idô nagagódgod sang talunón sa talúnan. The dog is on the trail of the wild pig in the jungle or forest. (see ábat, sághap, dúngas, hingabút).



To feel pain, uneasiness or mortification at the sight of another's well-being or success, envy, spite, begrudge, be sore on account of, harbour a grudge or ill-will, be pained at. Nagahinakít siá sa ákon. He envies me. Ginahinakitán áko níya, kay maáyo ang ákon pinatubás kag makúl-aw ang íya. He harbours ill-will against me, because I had a good harvest and he a poor one. Indì ka maghinakít sang mga kaayóhan sang ibán. Don't envy the good things of others-or-Don't be vexed at the sight of the prosperity of others. (see sakít, hingabút).

Pursuing, prosecuting, persecuting, revengeful, vindictive, aggressive, hostile; hankering after, desirous, ambitious. (see hingabút).



To trace another's steps, follow, look for, get on the trail of. Usga (Usugá) siá. Get on his trail. Track his foot-steps. Chase or pursue him. (see úsoy, túltul, ápas, sunúd, abátábat, hingabút).



To trace another's steps, follow, look for, get on the trail of. Usga (Usugá) siá. Get on his trail. Track his foot-steps. Chase or pursue him. (see úsoy, túltul, ápas, sunúd, abátábat, hingabút).



Notwithstanding, in spite of, still, but yet, contrary to what one would expect, in defiance of all one would be led to believe. Nagpaninguhâ siá gid sa pagmánggad, agád namúsmus siá. He made great efforts to get rich, and yet he became very poor. Agád ginamligán ko ang ákon pagtikáng sa madánlug nga dálan, tapát gánì nakadúpyas akó. Although I carefully picked my steps on the slippery road, yet I slipped. Agád ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglesia sang íya mga kaáway, tapát gánì nagadúgang ang mga tumulóo. In spite of the fact that Holy Church is being persecuted by her enemies, her faithful adherents increase. Agád nahúlug akó. In spite of all I fell down. Agád napatáy siá! Yet he died! Who would have thought that he would die! (see tapát, hinonó-o).



With determination, in defiance of, determinately, resolutely, in spite of, notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, yet, though, although, but. Bangúd nga madánlug gid ang dálan ginámlig níya ang íya pagtikáng; tapát gánì nakadúpyas siá kag nahúlug sa kalóg. On account of the slipperiness of the road he picked his steps very carefully; yet in spite of it he slipped and fell into the ditch. Dakû gid ang íya paghingamó nga magmánggad, tapát gánì namúsmus siá. He had a great ambition to become rich; he became, however, very poor. Tapát nga íla ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglésya, tapát nagadámù ang íya mga sinákup (tapát siá nagadúgang). They may persecute the Church, but she is ever growing. (see agád, hinonóo).