To seek, look for. See ságap, lágap.
To go in-search of,-quest of, search for, look for, pursue, be on the trail of, follow up. Godgorá (-odá) ang bátà. Search for the boy. Igódgod akó ánay sang ákon báboy nga nakagwâ sa tángkal. Kindly go after my pig that has escaped from the sty. Gingódgod-or-ginódgod siá sang íya nga amáy, kay walâ siá magpaúlì sa táknà sang panyága. His father was looking for him, because he did not come home at dinner-time. Ang mga buyóng ginagódgod sang mga soldádo sa búkid. The robbers are being pursued by the soldiers in the mountains. Ang idô nagagódgod sang talunón sa talúnan. The dog is on the trail of the wild pig in the jungle or forest. (see ábat, sághap, dúngas, hingabút).
To look for, forage, go in search (of eatables, etc.). Nagahágap siá sang íya pagkáon. He is looking for something to eat. Hagápi akó sang ákon panyagáhon. Get me some dinner. Look out for some dinner for me. Ihágap akó ánay sing ísdà, kay igasúd-an ko. Please look for some fish for me; I want to eat it as a side dish. Ginahágap ko ang ákon ginháwa. I am trying to get back my breath (after a swoon or fainting fit, etc). Ginahágap ko lang ang pagtahî, kay walâ akó sing anteóhos. I am sewing by touch, because I have no spectacles. (see lághap, sághap, ságap).
To seek, look for, etc. See lághap, sághap, pangítà, etc.
To look for on the spur of the moment, try to-find,-obtain,-get-, at once. Nagaláhus siá sing kwárta. He is trying to get some money. Nagláhus siá sing manók, asín, páhò, etc. He tried to obtain at once some chicken, salt, mangoes, etc. Ginlahúsan níya si Fuláno sing humáy. He quickly got some rice for N.N. Lahúsi siá sing tabákò. Find him some tobacco or cigars (without delay). Iláhus mo akó ánay (Paunáhi akó sing madalî) sing duhá ka písos. Please advance me two pesos at once. (see húsà, ságap, sághap, lághap).
To look for, go in quest of, search for, try to find or get. Langhasá ang ákon igsulúlat nga nadúlà. Look for my lost pen. Langhasí akó sing ságing. Get me some bananas. Ilánghas akó sang ákon pányo nga nawígit (nagkawígit) sa dálan. Kindly go in search of my handkerchief that has been dropped on the road. (see lághap, sághap, pangítà).
To seek, look for, try to find, search after something (especially in a place dense with undergrowth, in a forest, jungle or the like). Lighotá ang báka nga nadúlà sa kagulángan. Look for the lost cow in the jungle. Lighotí akó sing uwáy, nítò, etc. sa talúnan. Get me some rattan, nítò, etc. from the forest. Nagalíghot silá sing mga búlak sa masíot. They are looking for flowers amongst the dense undergrowth. (see lághap, sághap, ságap, pangítà).
(B) To look for, try to find, seek, go in search of, search for. Sagápa ang báboy nga nadúrà (nadúlà). Look for the lost pig. Anó ang ginaságap mo? What are you looking for? Sagápi akó ti ságing (sing ságing). Find some bananas for me. Nagaságap akó kang kálò ko, pay warâ ko makítà ásta tulád kadiá (kadyá). (Nagapangítà akó sang ákon kálò, ápang túbtub karón walâ ko makítà). I am looking for my hat, but can't find it. (see sághap, lághap, pangítà).
Seeking, looking for; to seek, look for, go in search of, try to find or obtain. Nagayangápyángap siá sing pagkáon (Ginayangáp-yángap níya ang íya pagkáon), kay nawád-an siá sa baláy. She is going about in search of something to eat, for she has nothing at home. (see lágap, hágap, sághap, pangítà, pangalágkalág).