Search result(s) - úsoy



To trace, track, trail, follow the trace of, follow up, follow the course of a river, or the like. Usóya (Lighotá) ang makáwat túbtub nga ímo madakúp. Track the thief till you catch him. Ginúsoy (Gintúltul) níya ang karabáw dirâ sa bakólod, ápang walâ níya makítà. He trailed the buffalo there on the hill, but did not find it. Magúsoy ka lang sa íya. (Apása (Tultulá) lang siá). Simply follow his trail. Usóyon (subáon, usaógon) náton ang subâ. Let us follow the river (up or down). (see túltul, ápas, sunúd, usúg, líghot).



To trace, track, trail, follow the trace of, follow up, follow the course of a river, or the like. Usóya (Lighotá) ang makáwat túbtub nga ímo madakúp. Track the thief till you catch him. Ginúsoy (Gintúltul) níya ang karabáw dirâ sa bakólod, ápang walâ níya makítà. He trailed the buffalo there on the hill, but did not find it. Magúsoy ka lang sa íya. (Apása (Tultulá) lang siá). Simply follow his trail. Usóyon (subáon, usaógon) náton ang subâ. Let us follow the river (up or down). (see túltul, ápas, sunúd, usúg, líghot).



(Sp. pista) Trace, trail, track, scent, clue, sign, indication. (see úsoy, timáan, tándà, ági, pát-in).



To investigate, look into, examine, find out about, go over carefully or thoroughly. Susíha sing maáyo ang íya mga binuhátan. Look into his conduct thoroughly. (see usísà, túl-id, íd-id, úsoy, túltul).



What is to-, should-, can-, be followed or traced; track, trail; traceable. (see úsoy).



What is to-, should-, can-, be followed or traced; track, trail; traceable. (see úsoy).



To trace another's steps, follow, look for, get on the trail of. Usga (Usugá) siá. Get on his trail. Track his foot-steps. Chase or pursue him. (see úsoy, túltul, ápas, sunúd, abátábat, hingabút).



To trace another's steps, follow, look for, get on the trail of. Usga (Usugá) siá. Get on his trail. Track his foot-steps. Chase or pursue him. (see úsoy, túltul, ápas, sunúd, abátábat, hingabút).