Grammatically incorrect, but often used and even printed for amó ang. Ang timáan sang Sánta Cruz nga amóy ibáwì mo sa ámon-. The sign of the Holy Cross made use of by Thee as the instrument for our redemption-.
Sign, mark, indication, token, presage, prognostic, omen. Walâ sing gándo ang kalibútan nga magaulán karón. There is no indication that it is going to rain presently. Walâ man siá sing gándo nga mapamanílà. There is no sign that he is going to Manila. (see aníno, tándà, timáan, gáman, túyò, pát-in).
Idea, thought, knowledge, inkling; to know, be aware of, note, observe, experience, take note of. (see máan, timáan, panimád-on).
Notice, remark, observation, hint, information, intelligence, warning, intimation, advice; to sign or mark, give a sign or hint, inform, advise, notify, warn, give notice of. Patimán-i siá sang ádlaw nga napát-ud sa íya eksámen. Inform him of the day fixed for his examination. Napatimáan sa ámon nga dáan ang amó nga katalágman. We were warned of that danger beforehand. (see timáan, talámdan, talandáan, paándam, pasáyod, etc.).
Sign, mark, indication, symptom, symbol, token, observation, prospect; list, memorandum, record, composition or exercise book, note-book. May talandáan sang--. There is a sign or symptom of--. May talandáan nga--. There is a prospect (an indication) that--. May nasulát nga talandáan sang--. A pamphlet has been written about--. (see tándà, timáan, tilimán-an, tilimád-on, pát-in, talámdan).
Sign, mark, token, symbol, symptom, note; to sign, mark, observe, heed, notice, pay attention to. Walâ akó makatándà kon pilá ka táo ang nagtalámbong. I did not notice how many people were present. Tandaí ang ginbutangán sang ákon maléta. Mark well the spot where my handbag has been put down. Anó ang tándà sang ímo báka, baúl, panápton, etc.? What is the identification mark of your cow, trunk, clothes, etc.? Nakatándà ikáw kon makapilá na siá nagabút dirí? Have you observed how often he has come here? Tándà iní sang--. This is a sign of--. Tandaán mo sing maáyo ang tanán nga mga sumalákà, agúd ímo makilála. Take particular note of all the visitors, in order that you may know them. (see timáan, pát-in).
(H) Mark, sign, observation, sign-post, indication, index. (see timáan).
(H) See tilimaánan. Also: Time, season; almanac, calendar, rule, guide; a person or object recognized or recognizable by some special identification mark or marks. (timáan).