Caus. of sáyod-to know, etc. Also noun: Aviso, advice, information, news, communication, intimation, announcement.
(Sp. aviso) Notice, information; to give notice, to send word, to notify, to inform. Abíso! Notice! Attention! Abisóhi siá sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. Inform him that N.N. is dead. Paabisóhan mo siá sang pagabút dirí sang íya amáy or ipaabíso mo sa íya nga nagabút dirí ang íya amáy. Send him word (through somebody else) of the arrival here of his father or that his father has arrived here. (see balítà, pahibaló, pasáyod, paálam, paáman, paándam, pamáan, etc.).
Clearness, distinctness; to become or make clear, distinct. Athagí akó sinâ. Make that clear to me. Nagáthag na ang íya sulát, hámbal, pamítlang, etc. His writing, speech, pronunciation, etc. has become clear. Athagá ang ímo paghámbal. Speak clearly, distinctly. Iáthag mo gid sa íya and dakû ko nga kinahánglan. Explain to him clearly my great need. (see sánag, ásoy, sáysay, tígdas, pasáyod).
News, information, notice, communication; to notify, inform, report, communicate. Anó ang mga balítà nga bág-o? What is the latest news? May balítà balá? Is there any news? Nabalitáan kamí sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. We were informed of N.N.'s death. Ginbalitáan kamí níla sang maáyo nga pagabút níla dídto. They notified us of their safe arrival there. Ibalítà mo sa íla ang kamatáyon ni Fuláno or ibalítà mo sa íla nga napatáy si Fuláno. Inform them of the death of N.N. or that N.N. is dead. Ginpabalitáan sang Diós ang mga manugbántay sang mga háyop sing isá ka ánhel. God sent a message to the shepherds through an Angel. Pinabalitáan níya kamí sa isá ka hatud-dulús sang maáyo níya nga kapaláran. He sent us word by telegram of his good luck. (see pahibaló, pasáyod, pamáan).
(Sp. noticia) Notice, news, tidings, information, bill, placard, hearsay. May notísya nga nabáton gíkan sa--. News has been received from--. Notísya lang ang ákon (ímo, íya, ámon, áton, ínyo, íla). I (you, he, we, you, they)-just heard of it,-didn't pay attention to it,-have nothing to do with it,-have no interest or concern in it,-have nothing to gain or lose by it, or the like. (see balítà, pahibaló, pasáyod).
To disclose, make public, publish, divulge, reveal, tell, let out, let into, break (a secret), betray. Indì mo pagipabútyag iníng kasugtánan náton. Carefully guard the secret of this agreement of ours. Don't make public this our agreement. Ginpabútyag níya ang salâ nga tinágò ni Fuláno. He made known (revealed, divulged) N.N.'s secret fault. Magpabútyag ka siní sa bánwa. Make this known in the town. Napabutyagán na silá sang amó nga hitabû. The news of that event has already reached them (has been spread amongst them). (see pa, bútyag, pabágtì, pabantálà, pahibaló, pasáyod, pabalahúbà).
(H) Notice, announcement, information, statement, news, report, advice; to tell, make known, inform, announce, acquaint with, impart, apprize, advise, notify, intimate, bring or send word. Ipahibaló mo sa íya nga-. Inform him that-. Pahibaloá siá sang pagabút dirí sang íya amáy. Make known to him (let him know of, tell him of) the arrival here of his father. Nalipatán ko ang pagpahibaló sa ímo sinâ (Nalipatán ko ikáw sa pagpahibaló sinâ). I forgot to tell you that. (see hibaló, pasáyod, paabíso, paháyag, paálam).
(B) To make known, advise, inform, let know, acquaint with, impart to, apprize, give notice, bring-, send-, leave-, word. Pamán-i siá. Inform him. Ipamáan mo sa íya nga--. Give him notice that--. Pinamán-an níya kamí sang nahanabô dídto. He has sent us word of what has happened there. He informed us of the happenings there. (see máan, pahibaló, pasáyod).
Notice, remark, observation, hint, information, intelligence, warning, intimation, advice; to sign or mark, give a sign or hint, inform, advise, notify, warn, give notice of. Patimán-i siá sang ádlaw nga napát-ud sa íya eksámen. Inform him of the day fixed for his examination. Napatimáan sa ámon nga dáan ang amó nga katalágman. We were warned of that danger beforehand. (see timáan, talámdan, talandáan, paándam, pasáyod, etc.).