Search result(s) - katámdan



(H) Attention! Observation, notice. (see tamúd, talámdan, katámdan, pahibaló, abíso, patimáan).



To look upon, consider, notice, discern, perceive, advert to, remark, mark, attend to, fix the eyes upon, bend one's look down upon. Tamurí (tamudí, támdi) sing maáyo ang sulát. Look the letter over well, consider it well. Támda akó. Look at me. Pay attention to me. Nakasándad siá, kay walâ níya pagtámdi sing maáyo ang íya ginaláktan. He stumbled, because he did not-mind well where he was stepping,-look where he was putting his feet. (see túluk, tán-aw, mulálong, bilíd, talámdan, katámdan).