Meaning of tapát



To resolve firmly, be resolved, make a resolution, make up one's mind, determine steadfastly, to do resolutely. Magtapát ka sing malíg-on nga dílì ka na magliwát sinâ. Make a firm resolution not to do that again. Tapatón mo gid ang pagpatáy sang mán-og (sawá). Kill the snake resolutely (determinately).



With determination, in defiance of, determinately, resolutely, in spite of, notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, yet, though, although, but. Bangúd nga madánlug gid ang dálan ginámlig níya ang íya pagtikáng; tapát gánì nakadúpyas siá kag nahúlug sa kalóg. On account of the slipperiness of the road he picked his steps very carefully; yet in spite of it he slipped and fell into the ditch. Dakû gid ang íya paghingamó nga magmánggad, tapát gánì namúsmus siá. He had a great ambition to become rich; he became, however, very poor. Tapát nga íla ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglésya, tapát nagadámù ang íya mga sinákup (tapát siá nagadúgang). They may persecute the Church, but she is ever growing. (see agád, hinonóo).