To curse, accurse, imprecate, damn, anathematize, confound, wish or invoke some evil upon. Ginahimaláut sang mga yáwà ang mga matárung. The devils curse the just. Indì ka maghimaláut sa kay bisán sín-o, bisán sa ímo mga kaáway. Do not curse anybody, not even your enemies. Indì mo paghimalaútan (-úton) ang ímo bátà. Don't curse-or-invoke evil on your child. (see panghimaláut, láut).
Evils, harm, injury, affliction, disaster, misfortune. (see láut).
This letter is pronounced as in English. Variously combined with vowels it is frequently made use of in the Visayan Dialect to form adjectives, nouns and plural verbal forms, e.g. bumulúthò, pumalaháyag, kalalát-an, sululátan, isulúlat, nagilinúm silá, nagilísol silá, nagdaláyaw silá, nagailinútud silá, etc. (Búthò, paháyag, láut, sulát, inúm, ísol, dáyaw, útud, etc.).
Many terms that in Hiligáynon contain the letter "l" have the letter "r" instead in Hiniráya, or Binukídnon, e.g. walâ-warâ, ílog-írog, dalága-darága, malayô-marayô, lángsì-rángsì, etc.
To be or become bad, worsen, deteriorate, degenerate; to be or become sick, ill, to faint, swoon. Nagláin ang íya batásan. His behaviour has changed for the worse. His character (habits) has (have) degenerated. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. He swooned, had a fainting fit, lost consciousness, his condition has become serious, or the like. Ang nalaínan sang ákon buút amó--. What-grieves me,-I find fault with, is--. Magaláin inâ kunína. It will turn out bad in the end. Sing makadámù ang mga talapuánan nga maáyo sing kamunóan nagaláin sa katapúsan. Often societies that start well have a bad ending. Indì pagigkaláin sang ímo buút kon--. Don't take it ill (amiss), if--. (see láut).
(H) Nausea, aversion, loathing; to be nauseated, loathe, sicken, be disgusted, feel like vomiting. Nagalaút ang ákon ginháwa. I feel like vomiting. Nagalaút ang ákon ginháwa sinâ, ginalaután sang ákon ginháwa inâ. That makes me feel sick,-smells to me bad,-sickens me,-disgusts me. (see lóod).
(H) Badness, wretchedness, viciousness, malice, wickedness; to be, become or make wicked, bad, malicious, depraved, miserable, wretched, to deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, change for the worse. Nagláut ang íya batásan sa Manílà. He contracted bad habits in Manila. Ginláut sang maláin nga kaupdánan ang kagawián ni Fuláno. Bad company perverted N.N.'s character. (see láin, kalalát-an).
(H) To injure, spoil, harm, cause damage to. Andamán mo ang lanahón, agúd índì malimógan. Take good care of the coconut-meat from which coconut-oil is to be extracted, so that it may not be spoilt. Ang amó nga mga pagbaísbáis nagalímog sang pagtoloóhan. Such disputes are injurious to faith. (see dáut, láut, hálit).
Caus. of laút. To make sick, excite aversion. Iníng malás-ay nga pagkáon nagapalaút sang ákon solóksolók. Such tasteless food makes me sick.
See kaláut. Also: Harm, injury, bad things, wicked deeds.
That is to-, can-, should-, be brought to the surface; worthy to-rise,-come out on top,-occupy a high position. (see útwas).
See solaót-to connect broken ends of thread, etc.
Dancer, dancing girl. (see sáut, sumaládsad, bailarína).
Ah, Oh, Well, Why. A, amó gid inâ. Ah, that is it, certainly. A, ikáw galî ang nagabút. Oh, it is you, that have come. A, bayái (pabayái) lang ang mga bátà dirâ. Well, leave the children there alone. A, pagkaláut sang ákon kapaláran! Oh, how unfortunate I am! A, indì ka magsapák sinâ. Why, don't take any notice of it. (see ah).
Ah! Oh! Alas! Aháy, nga pagkawaláy pálad! Alas, bad luck! Aháy, pagkalisúd sang ákon maláut nga kapaláran nga dáw waláy paaliwánsan! Oh, the wretchedness of my fate from which there is no escape!
(Sp. artista) Artist; artisan, dancer. (see makiambúngon, bailarína, sumalaút).
Mercy, compassion, pity, commiseration, sympathy; to have compassion, to pity, feel for, have mercy on, be compassionate. Nagakaáwa, akó sa íya. I pity him. Ginakaawáan námon ang maláut níya nga kapaláran. We sympathize with him in his bad luck. Maáwà kitá sa íya! Let us have pity on him! (see ló-oy, mainawáon, maawáon, kaáwà).
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