Search result(s) - hálus



(H) Scarcely, hardly, barely, only just, with difficulty. Hálus akó makaginháwa. I can scarcely breathe. Hálus siá nakabáton sang sulát, dáyon siá naglakát. When he received the letter, he went off at once. Hálus siá nakaabút sa baláy nabúgtò ang íya ginháwa. He had barely reached home, when he expired. Hálus magbágting ang linggánay dáyon kamó magbángon. As soon as the bell rings, rise at once. Hálus námon madumdumán inâ. We can scarcely remember it. We have almost forgotten it. (see hárus).



(H) To feel empty, hungry, famished. See hálwos id.



Also: almost, nearly, well nigh.



Satisfaction, sufficiency, enough; to satisfy, come up to the mark, fill up what is short, be sufficient or enough. Makaáyao balá ang isá ka pásong nga humáy sa ánum ka táo sa isá ka búlan?-Abáw, índì gid, hálus gánì nga makaáyao sa íla ang ápat ka pásong. Will one bushel of rice be sufficient for six men for one month?-Oh, no, by no means; four bushels will scarcely be sufficient for them. Kúlang pa ang pitó ka gántang sa isá ka pásong; ayáoa lang iníng pitó ka gántang. There are still seven gantas short of one bushel; just add seven gantas to make the measure complete. Magkúhà ka lang sing diótay nga humáy sa ákon tambóbo, ápang índì mo pagayáoon nga isá ka pásong. Take a little rice from my granary, but do not take a whole bushel. Kon magkádto ikáw sa malayô nga mga báryo maayáoan ka sa paglakát. If you go to far villages you will get quite enough of walking.



To move about, be up and busy, to be stirring, to stir one self, to be active. Indì na siá makabíknol. He cannot move about any more, he is unable to do any work. Hálus na gánì siá makabíknol gíkan sa kabúdlay, balatían, katigulangón, etc. He can scarcely move any longer on account of being tired, sick, old, etc. Makabíknol pa siá maglágaw?-Indì na gid; pirme lang siá nagahígdà. Can he still walk about? Not at all; he is bed-ridden. (see tíknol, túknul).



(H) Scarcely, with difficulty, only just, only with great effort. Halusón siá makalakát, makatokád, etc. He can walk, climb, etc. only with difficulty. Ang masakít nga táo halusón makapúngkò. The sick man can scarcely sit up. (hálus).



(B) To have a sinking sensation due to hunger or exhaustion, feel hungry, exhausted, famished. Nagahálwos ang solóksolók ko. My stomach is empty. (I feel hungry). Nahalwosán akó. I am famished. Nagahálwos ang ginháwa ko kon magdúmdum akó sang ákon bátà dídto, kay básì kon anó ang matabû sa íya. It makes my flesh creep to think of my child there, for something might happen to him (her). (see halús, hílab, hírab).



Hardly, with difficulty, scarcely. The phrase "kon hárus pa" means: Times (conditions, circumstances, etc.) are very hard, trying, difficult, driving one almost to despair, or the like. (see hálus).



To be or become rather hard or dry, but not very dry; to be pliable or damp. Ang kusáhos walâ gid mag-ugá, kóndì naglamayó lang. The slice (of meat) has not become thoroughly dry, but only slightly so. Hálus naglamayó ang mga panápton nga inamidolán pinúnpun ko, kay daw matupâ ang ulán. As soon as the starched clothes were slightly dry, I gathered them in, because it looked as if it was going to rain.



Neither poor nor rich, moderate, mediocre, middling, satisfactory, not too much nor too little, of moderate means, rather well off, middle-class. (see mahumánhumán, mahingánhingán, dawâdawâ, dirâdirâ).



(H) Weakness, etc. See kahálwos.



Famished, etc. See mahálwos.



(B) Of some means or use, neither poor nor rich, possessed of moderate means, neither much nor very little. (hingánhingán). (see mahumánhumán, mahalúshalús).